2020 Unit 5 Heredity AP Bio Exam Review -



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May 6, 2024





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Unit 5 Heredity AP Biology Exam Review Meiosis 1) Label the parts of the chromosome to the right. 1)Chromosome 2) legs 3)Centromere 4) 2) Where does meiosis take place? What does the process of meiosis create? division of the nucleus and creates 2 haploid cells 3) What are the names of the steps of meiosis? Synapsis, Crossing over, Independent assortment, disjunction Reduction division 2n----n Meiosis 2- same as mitosis. separate sister chromatids Mitosis vs Meiosis 4) Fill in the table below comparing mitosis and meiosis: Mitosis Meiosis Produces what types of cells? Somatic cells How many cells made at the end of the process? 2 4 Are the ending cells haploid or diploid? diploid haploid Number of chromosomes at the end (human)? 46 23 Meiosis, Genetic Diversity, and Fertilization 5) What is crossing over? When does it occur? Why is it important for genetic variation? the exchange of genetic information in locations. it creates new genetic combinations. we do not lose genetic information. it happens during prophase. 6) What is fertilization? How does this lead to genetic variation? it is when the egg and sperm combine and the therefore the information is exchanged. Mendelian Genetics and Laws 7) Describe Mendel’s law of segregation. a diploid organism passes a randomly selected allele to its offspring. 8) Describe Mendel’s law of independent assortment. there is random chance. Mendelian Genetics and Punnett Squares 9) What is the purpose of a Punnett Square? it is to show the process that alleles are inherited 10) Compare dominant to recessive alleles.
Dominant requires only one allele to be expressed while recessive requires both. 11) Compare homozygous dominant, heterozygous, and homozygous recessive. homozygous dominant is both dominant, heterozygous is one of both, and homozygous recessive is both recessive. 12) A cat carries heterozygous, long-haired traits, and its mate carries homozygous short-haired traits. Use a Punnett square to determine the probability of one of their offspring having long hair. Include the genotype and phenotype percentages. 50 homozygous recessive and 50% heterozygous. 13) One flower is heterozygous red and it is crossed with a homozygous white plant. Use a Punnett square to determine the probability of one of their offspring having a red color. 14) A large ear of corn has a total of 433 grains, including 272 Purple & starchy, 72 Purple & sweet, 64 Yellow & starchy, and 25 Yellow & sweet. Your Tentative Hypothesis: This ear of corn was produced by a dihybrid cross (PpSs x PpSs) involving two pairs of heterozygous genes resulting in a theoretical (expected) ratio of 9:3:3:1. Objective: Test your hypothesis using chi square and probability values. Reject or Accept? 433/16 = 27 3.46 9 x 27 = 243 1 3 x 27 = 81 3.568 3 x 27 = 81 0.15 1 x 27 = 27 8.178 With 3 degrees of freedom I get a critical value of 8.16, which is greater than the critical value of 7.82. therefore I reject the null hypothesis. Chi Square: 1, 3.461 Laws of Probability: Product Rule and Summation Rule 15) When is the product rule used? To determine the probability of both occurring 16) When is the summation rule used? to determine the probability of outcomes that result from different processes 17) Use the sum rule to predict the fraction of offspring from an Aa x Aa cross that will have the dominant phenotype ( AA or Aa genotype). Hint: In any one fertilization event, only one of these
three possibilities can occur (they are mutually exclusive). Figure out how many outcomes could produce an offspring with a dominant allele. 3/4 18) Application to dihybrid crosses. Imagine that we breed two dogs with the genotype BbCc , where dominant allele B specifies black coat color (versus b , yellow coat color) and dominant allele C specifies straight fur (versus c , curly fur). Assuming that the two genes assort independently and are not sex-linked, predict the number of BbCc puppies among the offspring. Hint: Figure out the probability of getting Bb and then figure out the probability of getting Cc and then multiple the two together to see the chances of happening at the same time. 1/8 Non-Mendelian Genetics: Codominance, Incomplete Dominance, Multiple Alleles, Polygenic Traits 19) Describe the processes below that fall into the category of Non-Mendelian Genetics. Process Description Example Codominance both are expressed Blood type AB Incomplete Dominance It is in between. grey fur Multiple Alleles more then 2 alleles eye color Polygenic Traits more then one gene in control Color blindness and hemophilia Sex-Linked Traits and Punnett Squares 20) Two normal vision parents have a color-blind son. What were the chances of this happening? What were the genotypes of the parents? 21) In humans, hemophilia is a sex-linked recessive trait. If a female who is a carrier for hemophilia mates with a male with normal blood clotting, predict the genotypes and phenotypes of their offspring. XHXH, Xhy XHXH Xh y Blood Typing 22) Fill in the table below with the missing information. ratio is 1:2;1 ii, all AB A, O B, IBIB or IBI 23) Determine all the possible blood types for the offspring produced by a type “AB” mother and a Type “AB” father. A, B, AB Linked Genes 24) What is a linked gene? How does this violate Mendel’s basic principle of genetics?
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