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Apr 30, 2024





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MOVIE WORKSHEET: HEAT! How much of the glaciers will be gone by 2013 80 percent of all glacier ice in Tibet and the Himalayas will be gone by 2035 Using photographs and maps, Breashears has calculated that the glacier has lost up to 40 percent of its ice. How many people in China will be affected by lack of glaciers 250 million people in China Was the tv show in the mid 60s correct? yes What was wrong with the Kyoto Protocol? US competitive disadvantage What is happening in China in regards to economic expansion? growing What is Geely? What do they build Privately car company, 160k in oneyear What is Sheenhua Energy? Do they seem honest? Biggest fastest grow energy company, create money not lose money, first to the shareholders second to the society What is the 3rd largest producers of greenhouse gases? Cement industry What did the women (Nirhain) say that was so prophetic? The western model of growth is inherently toxic: capital intensive If every indian would live like an american, the planet would be doomed and the planet would be doomed forever Who is Dr Pachurain? Engineer and economist who is on the board of several large indian energy companies. He believes responsibility should be on businesses and governments in the industrialized west.
Who is Paula Doriansky? US negotiator at the united nations What began to happen during the 2008 campaign Candidates strongly endorsed policies civilized nations How much coal is shipped across the country each day 35 miles of trains loaded with coal How fast will we burn through a trainload of coal for all the coal fire plants in the country in one day? One whole trainload in just 12 hours How much coal is burned for watching tv for 4 hours One pound How much coal does a common household use in one year? 9.5 tons How much coal (%) is burned for energy use by the US in one year? 52% What is AEP and who is Michael Morris AEP is utilities company, Mike Morris is AEP CEO, he believes US burn more coal than less. “Clean coal” What is happening at Polk Power Plant in Tampa FL TAMPA Electric is burning coal for “cleaner” coal, Integrated Gas Combined Cycle Coal to cleaner gas “syngas”, in theory can capture CO2 Why cannot the Southern Co sequester coal Martin, I think the truth is that we don't know where we have storage capability in this nation at this point in time. We haven't even come close to defining what will be required in storage, what are the legal liabilities and what are the permitting requirements, much less the infrastructure needed to develop that storage and to move the carbon - the CO2 into that storage, whether it's pipelines or trucks or whatever it is. We haven't even scratched the surface yet.
What is the problem with carbon capture? I think there's a reality check going on about carbon capture and storage right now. There was huge rosy optimism about carbon capture and storage. It was a - it was really the quintessential silver bullet. It would allow you to take what was fundamentally a dirty fuel and burn it cleanly - cheap and dirty fuel and you can burn it cleanly - and at least a huge chunk of the problem would be solved. What's wrong, I think, is that reality is intruding. I would say that we'd have a hard time in a carbon-constrained future burning coal without the ability to capture CO2. Cars in the US emit how much CO2 compared to other countries? America's cars and trucks emit more CO2 than all the cars in Europe, Japan, China and India combined. What are CAFÉ laws? When the CAFE law was passed in the 1970s, the goal was to reduce our dependence on foreign oil - What did the Governor of California do? Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has pledged to raise fuel economy in California to 42.5 miles per gallon and is removing 20,000 old, dirty gas guzzlers from the roads every year. Schwarzenegger embraced California's Global Warming Solutions Act, introduced to the state legislature in 2006. What is SMOG? The bill put Schwarzenegger on a collision course with Detroit, where a billboard depicted the governor as their enemy. But California has a long history of demanding and getting cleaner cars. Back in the '70s, under pressure from the state, automakers were forced to address California's smog problem. Over the years, officials came to expect that the automakers would eventually cooperate. What did Calif try to get the EPA to do? The stakes were very high. Eighteen other states were lining up to adopt the California standards. But to make it law, California needed a ruling from the EPA to allow them to set stricter fuel economy standards than the federal government. Internal Department of Transportation documents show that more than 70 congressmen and governors were called by department officials and warned that an EPA waiver could have significant impacts on the car industry. How much lower would have the CALIF emissions been if the EPA granted the waiver?
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