

Lonsdale Institute *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by MegaJellyfish1893

Financial services industry 1. Explain the purpose of increasing interest rates. How does this help control high inflation? Explain and properly reference your answer. Keep adjusting the policy interest rate until we are confident inflation is under control. Maintaining inflation within this range preserves the spending power of money and encourages strong and sustainable growth in the economy, which benefits us all 2. Explain how high-interest rates could affect the following financial markets, products and services: a. Banking system b. Stock market c. A person with a large amount of money in a savings account a. Banking system: When inflation is too high, we increase our policy interest rate which increases borrowing costs for commercial banks. The banks usually pass on these higher costs by increasing their interest rates on loans Banks earn interest income on the loans they provide. Higher interest rates can increase the interest income earned by banks on their loan portfolios, leading to higher profits b. Stock market: High-interest rates can affect the valuation of stocks. As interest rates rise, the discount rate used to calculate the present value of future cash flows from stocks increases, leading to lower stock valuations. This can result in a decrease in stock prices. c. A person with a large amount of money in savings accounts may benefit from high- interest rates as they earn higher interest income on their savings. This can lead to increased disposable income for savers. 3. In classic microeconomic theory, the concept of “The invisible hand” states that “free markets will determine equilibrium in the supply and demand for goods. This means that by following their self-interest, consumers and organizations can create an efficient allocation of resources for the whole of society without the need for intervention”. a. Do you agree with the concept of the invisible hand? Explain your answer. It depends on your perspective on the effectiveness of free markets. because some free markets promote efficiency, innovation, and individual freedom, leading to overall prosperity. However, I sometimes believe that free markets do not always lead to desirable outcomes, especially when there are market failures such as externalities, information asymmetry or monopolies.
b. Do you think that increasing interest rates when trying to control inflation is compatible with the invisible hand? Explain your answer. In summary, while increasing interest rates to control inflation can be interpreted as compatible with the invisible hand, the practical implications and effectiveness of such policy actions may vary depending on the specific circumstances and assumptions underlying the analysis 4. Research and discuss in your own words the concept of capital requirement (also known as capital adequacy ratio). Address these points in your answer: a. What is the meaning and importance of capital requirement (also known as capital adequacy)? Capital adequacy, refers to the minimum amount of capital that financial institutions, such as banks, must hold to ensure their financial stability and ability to absorb potential losses. It serves as a buffer to protect depositors and creditors in case of unexpected losses or adverse economic conditions. The importance of capital requirement lies in its role in maintaining the safety and soundness of financial institutions and the overall stability of the financial system. Adequate capital ensures that banks have sufficient funds to cover their liabilities and absorb losses without defaulting on their obligations. b. What is the current Australian capital adequacy ratio? As of my last update in January 2022, the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) in Australia is governed by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). 5. Research, and explain how and how often the CPI is calculated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). In Australia, the CPI is calculated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and published once a quarter . To calculate the CPI, the ABS collects prices for thousands of items, which are grouped into 87 categories (or expenditure classes) and 11 groups 6. Review Section 1.13 in your Workbook and briefly explain in your own words the role and purpose of: a. the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) APRA is Australia's primary financial regulator responsible for supervising banks, credit unions, insurance companies, and superannuation funds. Its main purpose is to ensure the stability, safety, and efficiency of the financial system b. the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
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