Strategic Action Plan
The proposed program’s vision
is to manage our water resources to help countries around
the world to have clean water supply and reliable water to use on a daily basis.
The proposed program’s mission is to be ethical and provide efficient, effective, and
reliable water across every environment, and include great resources that will benefit both the
environment and the population.
The proposed program’s objectives and strategies involve the following:
Objective 1:
By January 1st, 2022, many communites will make water safe to drink for
the population.
Strategy 1.A:
Have a group of reliable stakeholders form a meeting and discuss
what is best.
Strategy 1.B:
Enforce a new policy that requires people to stop littering in the
water systems so it can not get into the water and eventually into people's homes.
Objective 2:
By March 12, 2021, we want to have the majority of the community know
about the issue, and really be educated on ways we can mitigate it.
Strategy 2.A:
Have community meetings in different communities and teach the
residents more on the issue.
Strategy 2.B:
Make pamphlets to pass around, and leave in buildings for people to
Objective 3:
By June 23rd, 2023, public health officals should make sure the water
systems are being checked regularly and not when there is a big problem.
Strategy 3.A:
Engineers and stakeholders can
Upgrade older water
systems that