Marilyn, a general education teacher, is implementing a token economy with one of the students in her 5
grade math classroom. The target behavior is turning in three out of four homework assignments. This student previously had a baseline of only turning in one homework assignment. One day after school, Marilyn overhears her colleague, Mark discussing a scenario where a student in his class hardly ever turns in homework and he wishes he could find something to motivate this student. She explains the token economy intervention she implemented, and the behavior change her student has exhibited. Mark really likes the intervention idea, and asks if Marilyn can provide him with a step-by-step task analysis of how to create and implement a token economy for increasing homework submissions." For this discussion board, please create this task analysis as well as a treatment integrity data
collection sheet for Mark.
According to Cooper et al., 2020, there are 6 steps used to help set up and design a token economy.
Select the tokens
Identifying the target behaviors 3.
Creating backup reinforcers
Establish token exchange standard 5.
Establish how and when tokens will be dispensed and exchanged 6.
Testing the token economy To ensure that a task analysis is thoroughly written, the following components should be included which are, “observing competent individuals performing the task, consulting with experts, repeatedly performing the behavior yourself, and considering the temporal order of the skills to be mastered (Mayer, Sulzer-Azaroff, and Wallace 2019).”