EDEC111 - Obs 2



Australian Catholic University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






May 24, 2024





Uploaded by AmbassadorSnow11468

Child: MA Date: 21/08/2023 Washing Dolls Observation: Today, I observed MA in the outdoor area, fully engrossed in washing a doll. She was treating the doll as if it were a real baby, displaying a sense of responsibility and care. After washing the doll, MA proceeded to wash the doll's clothes, carefully wringing them out before laying them to dry. Analysis of Learning: MA's actions revealed a deep understanding of caregiving roles, mimicking real-life responsibilities. She demonstrated fine motor skills while washing and wringing the clothes. Her pretend play also showcased her emotional development, as she empathetically cared for the doll. This activity allowed her to explore adult roles and responsibilities in a safe, imaginative setting. What Next: Building on MA's interest in caregiving, we could introduce more role-playing activities that involve taking care of others, perhaps even incorporating a 'baby care' station in the play area. This would allow her to further develop her social and emotional skills. Principles, Practice, Outcomes: I engaged MA by asking open-ended questions like, "What are you doing for the baby today?" and "How do you think the baby feels?" This encouraged her to articulate her thoughts and deepen her role-playing experience. Teaching Strategies:
I used scaffolding techniques to extend her learning. For example, when she was washing the doll's clothes, I introduced the concept of 'clean' and 'dirty,' enhancing her understanding of hygiene. Educator's Beliefs: This story reveals my belief that children learn best through play and exploration. It also highlights the role of the educator as a facilitator who provides opportunities for experiential learning while also stepping back to allow the child's imagination and natural instincts to guide their actions. MA's engagement in this activity not only enriched her understanding of caregiving but also provided insights into her emotional and cognitive development. It's a beautiful example of how play can be both fun and educational.
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