How to Handle Situations ethically in the Work Place



University of Phoenix *

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HCS 478




Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by ProfessorStrawNewt20

1 How to Handle Situations ethically in the Work Place Purdue Global University HU245-01 Ethics Russell Fail April, 26 2022
2 How to Handle Situations ethically in the Work Pla ce I chose to write my paper on the restaurant manager that has to decide the best ethical way to deal with his wait staff being upset because a prominent politician that they don’t like has come into the restaurant to have dinner. The most ethical way for the manager to deal with this issue would be to use the utilitarian theory because this theory’s reasoning is what brings the greatest good to the greatest number of people. This reasoning will help the manager avoid any confrontation between the politician and his wait staff so that he can keep the peace. The most ethical way for the manager to deal with this kind of situation would be for him to go up to the politician and ask him if it would be okay to move him to a more private table so the politician would not be bothered with everything else that is going on in the restaurant. Now the manager can then take him to a part of the restaurant that is not being used and seat him there. He will feel that the manager is going out of his way because he is an important guest and it will also help the manager so that the politician doesn’t see that the wait staff is having a problem with him. This will also separate the employees that are having an issue. Everybody involved should be at ease with this arraignment. Once the manager has his seating taken care of he then needs to ask one of the wait staff that he knows does not have an opinion one way or another about the politician, to serve that table. That way the manager can ensure that the politician has a pleasant dining experience and the wait staff will be happy because they did not have to serve him. When you work in a restaurant you are always trying to bring the most good to the most people so you always need to be prepared for these types of situations because the more people that enjoy eating at your restaurant the more business you will get and the more profit it will make.
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