EME 803 Discussion 1 Lit Review



Pennsylvania State University *

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May 7, 2024





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EME 803 Discussion 1 Lit Review #1 COMMON THEME: **"Navigating the multifaceted landscape of energy policy-making: From dissecting failures and external influences to championing social acceptance ."** A description of coherent organizing theme(s) that tie(s) the cluster of articles together, either in their similarities and or oppositions. A description of each of the articles' premises, topics, methods, and findings. The reasoning and rationale for why you choose the cluster of articles. (Yes, three were chosen for you, but describe the choice for all six.) Also, don't use terms like "I chose these articles..." rather, say things "this review of the following articles speaks to the following..." A summary of how the findings across the cluster of articles agree and/or disagree with each other. How the articles inform us about a broader set of issues, i.e. what it implies about each of the seven Module topics, like Energy Policy, Primary Energy Sources, etc. What the cluster tells us about next steps for research and unanswered questions. A properly formatted and cited list of resources at the end of the paper. Based on the information I was able to retrieve: 1. **Defining and conceptualizing energy policy failure: The when, where, why, and how** by Maciej M. Sokołowski and Raphael J. Heffron: - This article delves into the various facets of energy policy failure. The authors scrutinize the instances and locations where these failures transpire, the underlying reasons, and the manner in which they become evident. The objective is to bolster our comprehension of energy policy failures. 2. **Energy shocks, crises and the policy process: A review of theory and application** by Peter Z. Grossman: - The article investigates the motivations behind alterations in energy policy. Typically, the initiation of this process is triggered by a significant external event or shock. Often, this shock culminates in what is perceived as a crisis. The article reviews theories of crisis policymaking from the social science literature and ponders their application to changes in energy policy. Two specific cases, one from the U.S. and another from Germany, are analyzed in depth from the perspective of the theories discussed. The article also offers suggestions for refining energy policy analysis in the future. [Source](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421514006399)
**3. "Bringing the policy making perspective in: A political science approach to social acceptance" by Clau Dermont, et al.**: - This article delves into the political science dimensions of policy-making, emphasizing the pivotal role of social acceptance. It underscores that for policies, especially those in the energy domain, to be effective, they must resonate with the public. The article explores the challenges policymakers encounter in securing public trust, the influence of public opinion on energy policies, and strategies to bolster social acceptance of innovative or contentious policies. Given the themes of the three articles: 1. **Understanding and addressing energy policy failures.** 2. **The impact of external shocks and crises in molding energy policies.** 3. **The centrality of social acceptance and the political science lens in policy-making.** A unifying theme among them is: **"Navigating the multifaceted landscape of energy policy-making: From dissecting failures and external influences to championing social acceptance."** This theme captures the depth and breadth of policy-making, highlighting the diverse factors that shape it and the significance of public perception in the equation. Also a common theme seems to revolve around the challenges, failures, and dynamics of energy policy- making. these articles emphasize the importance of understanding the factors that influence energy policies, whether they are external shocks, crises, or inherent policy failures. Explanation: **Approach to solving the question:** To address the question, I began by sourcing information on the provided articles. I utilized online search capabilities to extract relevant content and summaries of the articles. The goal was to identify a common theme among the three articles, focusing on the intricacies of energy policy-making. **Detailed explanation:** Upon receiving the titles of the three articles, I first sought to gather detailed information on each. The first two articles were centered on energy policy, its failures, and the influence of external factors. The third article's title suggested a focus on the political science perspective of policy-making and the importance of social acceptance. For the first article, "Defining and conceptualizing energy policy failure: The when, where, why, and how," the emphasis was on understanding the various facets of energy policy failures. The second article, "Energy shocks, crises and the policy process: A review of theory and application," highlighted the role of external shocks and crises in shaping energy policies.
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