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University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) *

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May 7, 2024





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Parenting Action Plan: Addressing Teen Alcohol and Substance Use Carley Melhorn University of Maryland Global Campus BEHS 343: Parenting Today April 30, 2024
Introduction The alarming rise in teenage alcohol and substance use poses significant challenges for families, communities, and society at large (Ringwalt et al, 2002). This essay presents a comprehensive parenting action plan aimed at addressing teen alcohol and substance use within the context of a middle-class family. Drawing upon research findings, parenting theories, and practical strategies, the action plan seeks to create a supportive and nurturing environment that fosters the teenager’s well-being, resilience, and positive development Statement of the Problem In a middle-class family with divorced parents actively involved in their children’s lives, a concerning issue arises when their 16 year old daughter begins experimenting with alcohol and substances. This behavior not only impacts her school performance but also leads to emotional instability and behavior issues at home. Both parents notice the signs and are deeply concerned for her well-being. The multifaceted nature of teenage substance use underscores the need for a holistic approach that addresses underlying family dynamics, individual vulnerabilities, and environmental influences. Recognizing the need for intervention, the parents explore various solutions. They implement a school strategy involving counseling sessions and educational programs tailored to address substance abuse among teens. Additionally, they seek out community support groups where their daughter can connect with peers facing similar challenges and receive guidance from experienced mentors. Alongside this, they develop a comprehensive behavioral health plan with the help of professionals, incorporating therapy sessions and coping mechanisms. Through collaborative efforts between the family, school, and community resources, her parents are determined to help her navigate this difficult phase and emerge stronger.
Incorporation of Sources To inform the action plan, we draw upon a range of research studies in the field of psychology that offer insights into the complex interplay of factors contributing to adolescent substance use. One study highlights the role of parental divorce and environmental factors in adolescent delinquency, underscoring the importance of addressing family dynamics in intervention efforts (Capaldi et al, 1992). In another study, researchers provide valuable insights into the influence of parenting styles on adolescent substance use, emphasizing the need for effective parenting practices (Gonzales et al, 2012). Furthermore, researchers highlighted the significance of parental involvement in deterring substance experimentation among adolescents, suggesting practical strategies for promoting positive parent-teen relationships (Lee et al, 2011). Parenting Theories Central to the action plan is the application of attachment theory, which emphasizes the importance of secure parent-child relationships in promoting resilience and well-being (Petrakis, 2012). By fostering a supportive and nurturing environment, parents can provide a secure base from which the teenager can explore the world and navigate challenges effectively. Drawing from positive parenting approaches, the action plan also focuses on reinforcing positive behaviors, setting clear boundaries, and promoting open communication within the family (Muraco et al, 2020). These strategies align with the principles of positive reinforcement and proactive discipline, which have been shown to be effective in promoting healthy parent-teen relationships and reducing risk behaviors. Potential Sites of Impact
To address the teenager’s alcohol and substance use, interventions must target multiple domains of the teenager’s life, including home environment, school setting, and parental involvement. It begins with the home environment. Creating a supportive and nurturing home environment is crucial in addressing teen alcohol and substance use (Turkheimer, 2024). This involves more than just setting rules; it requires establishing a sense of security and trust within the family. Implementing structured family routines, such as regular mealtimes and bedtime schedules, can provide stability and predictability for the teenager. These routines not only promote physical health but also create opportunities for family bonding and communication. In addition to routines, it is essential to establish open channels of communication within the family. Encouraging parents to engage in active listening, validate their teenager’s feelings, and express empathy can foster a sense of trust and understanding. Family meetings or discussions can provide a forum for addressing concerns, setting goals, and problem-solving collaboratively. By creating a safe space for open communication, parents can encourage their teenagers to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences without fear of judgment or criticism. Furthermore, fostering a supportive and nurturing atmosphere involves promoting positive parent-teen relationships through shared activities and experiences. Encouraging family bonding activities, such as shared meals, outing, and recreational activities, can strengthen the emotional bonds between parents and their teen. These shared experiences create opportunities for meaningful connections, shared laughter, and mutual support, which are essential for building resilience and coping skills. In a school setting, schools play a significant role in supporting teenagers struggling with alcohol and substance use. Collaborating with school counselors and teachers can provide
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