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May 9, 2024





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Module 6 Written Assignment Nicole Anderson Central Texas College DAAC 2354 Professor Kondrak 12/06/2023
Module 6 Written Assignment CH 10 3. Review T-MAC. If you were the director of an agency, or a school principal what kind of response would you have towards funding and launching this group in your own setting? If I were a school principal, I would support T-MAC. This group that was created helps with changes from adolescence into adulthood. Also with the behavioral problems that we see every day. In and out of school from teens. To start this group up in my school. I would start by sending letters homes and telling them what the plan is and what the group supports. Then I would go on with fundraisers such as car washes and trying to get in with local restaurants and fast food. To see if they would allow some of the profits to go towards this group. 6. Visit a school or community where groups are available for children or adolescents. What types of groups are offered, the structures of these groups, and reactions of members. A community group where I live at is called The Childrens Cabinet. It supports the entire family and has groups for youth also. They offer high school support and when you are done with school, they have a program called continue success. They have family counseling and a food market that is open 5 days a week. Another group they offer is learning about skills for careers. They help their youth learn what they are interested in and what it takes. Ch 11. 2. Review the womans support group for survivors of incest. What do you see as the unique therapeutic factors that can promote healing in this kind of group? I see woman who are going through the same situation and learning to empower one another. Knowing that they are not alone. Artwork for healing is a good idea. It is similar to role playing. They are letting their expressions out in a different form. Which might be easier for some until they want to role-play.
4. Review the substance disorder group proposal. What are some unique features of this group that most interest you? If you were asked to design and facilitate a group of people with substance abuse problems, how useful would this proposal be? The Payoff method interests me because it gives the advantages and disadvantages of continuing and refraining from the substances. It makes them have to actually look and realize what they are losing and gaining. Instead of just talking about it. They can see everything as a whole written down and can keep the paper with them to look back on. I think the proposal would work if I had to use this for a group. Everyone would be able to see and talk about what each other has written down. Which might give more insight to another person of a reason to let the substance go.
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