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May 9, 2024





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1 WK3Assgn_Willis_D Danthony Willis Bachelor of Social Work, Walden University SOCW – 4003 Generalist Practice I – Individuals/Families March 20, 2024
2 WK3Assgn_Willis_D Describe a client with whom you would like to work. In this field, I have worked mainly with clients who are chronically homeless or on the brink of homelessness and have an SMI and/or substance abuse problem. Some are coming out of prison or in prerelease. Some have just lost their children in a CPS case. Some are being enrolled in a treatment court. Some are being newly incarcerated or soon to be released from jail. Some are just getting into the crisis center or psychiatric ward. These are the clients I have worked with and will continue to work with. One of my favorite success stories was a client from Venezuela. We will call her Andrea for this assignment. Andrea was a 29-year-old single mom who escaped sex trafficking and domestic abuse in Venezuela. She came here to be with her aunt. Once her aunt’s husband heard about her past, he also tried to molest and sexually assault Andrea. He knew she came here with her daughter, and they were all she had. One day, Andrea lost it on her aunt’s husband, and the cops were called. Andrea ended up getting a PFMA (Partner family member assault) charge, and CPS took her daughter, Gia. At this point, Andrea had become homeless, struggled with English and understanding, and lost her daughter. Andrea then turned to drinking and became a target for sex trafficking once again due to her past. CPS contacted me to work with Andrea and her 1-year-old daughter, Gia.
3 Explain how you would prioritize, plan, and contract with this client. The first thing I did was make sure the client was comfortable working with a male due to her trauma with domestic and sexual abuse and trafficking. Sometimes, in this field, we could look like their trauma. During the assessment phase, involving Andrea is very critical. You can’t get real buy-in from your client if you don’t involve your client. Andrea is facing multiple problems on multiple levels. So, sitting down with Andrea and prioritizing those problems is very important. We have a court case, PFMA charges, a CPS case, a CPS treatment plan, homelessness, no income, safety concerns, and more to sit down and prioritize. I know what I would prioritize first, but it is not up to me. According to Kirst-Ashman et al. (2023), The first thing to do is to focus on only those problems that fulfill three criteria. First, the client must recognize that the problem exists. You may or may not agree with your client about where the problem stands in a prioritized list of all the problems involved. In this case, Andrea struggled to realize the problems and the situation she was in. She was having a hard time focusing on what to prioritize first. Her mind was strictly on getting her daughter back. The second criterion for addressing a problem is that the problem should be clearly defined in understandable terms. The fact that you and your client can take action to address the issue is a third criterion. The target problem, which was most significant to Andrea, was getting custody of Gia back. So, we put that at the top of the list. I helped Andrea to see that in order to reach the target goal,
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