Supervision, Leadership, and Administration in Social Work Organization wk7assgnngumezic



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Safety and Agency Responsibility Supervision, Leadership, and Administration in Social Work Organizations Chinedum Ngumezi 10/16/2021 Walden University Dr. Word
According to Zelnick, Slayter, Flanzbaum, Domingo, Perlstein & Trust (2013), the violence that happens in a work place includes verbal threats, physical assaults, and property damage. This kind of violence is serious, and could have negative consequences within an organization. The people who are at risk of violence is mostly male social workers who work at an organization compared to female social workers that work at an organization (Zelnick et al., 2013). The workplace violence is most likely to occur at is child welfare. According to Zelnick et al. (2013), child welfare is considered an area that is at high risk of workplace violence. The workplace violence can have a serious impact on the organization. Many people who work at an organization can be affected by the workplace violence. The organization in which I would want to draft a safety plan is the place I will do my internship at. The organization is called A Second Chance. Workplace violence can result in people losing their lives, and can have a negative impact on the organization such as staff members going through grief. According to Zelnick et al. (2013), three people who worked in the social services department have lost their lives due to workplace violence. A Second Chance is an organization that is responsible for providing a safe environment for children (A Second Chance, n.d.). The safety plan I would draft for A Second Chance is for the staff to be trained on how to deal with violence such as verbal threats, property damage, and physical assaults. Once the staff members are trained on how to handle workplace violence, they will have knowledge on the procedures on what they should do when they encounter the incident. According to U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety, and Health Administration (2015), there are benefits of training such as raising the overall safety and knowledge of the workplace. The employees can be provided with the tools they need to have knowledge of workplace safety, and security hazards (U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational
Safety, and Health Administration, 2015). Along with training, it is important to keep record of the incidents that happen such as workplace violence. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety, and Health Administration (2015), when records are accurate such as incidents, injuries, and assaults, employers are able to determine how severe the problem is. Records are always important because when something happens, it always has to be documented otherwise if it wasn’t documented, the incident did not happen. Workplace violence have long term effects that also needs to be addressed such as staff members experiencing trauma. One effective way to address the long-term effects is to provide counseling to those who are affected by the violence. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety, and Health Administration (2015), employers should have the opportunity to deal with workplace violence effectively. One of the ways the employers can do that is to provide psychological counseling for those who have experienced, or witnessed assaults (U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety, and Health Adminstration, 2015). Every manager of an organization should have a commitment to have counseling available to those who are victims of assault, or who have witnessed assault. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety, and Health Adminstration (2015), the commitment that managers make is essential to providing an effective violence prevention program. The greatest concern about the safety of mental health professional working in a human services organization is processing the emotion of staff members that hear the news of workplace violence, and losing a team member by workplace violence. When the staff hear the news, the staff could be overwhelmed with the news. For example, when the coordinator told the staff members of the death of Carla in the trauma with agencies case, the staff members were overwhelmed with the news (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, 2014). The other concern is that
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