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May 10, 2024





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1 Creating a Single-Subject Design Study Samantha Pyara Master of Social Work, Walden University SOCW 6311: Social Work Practice Research II Dr. John Riolo March 17, 2024
2 Creating a Single-Subject Design Study Introduction Paula Cortez, a 43-year-old multiracial female who lives also and is HIV positive, has Hepatitis C, and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder 10 years ago. Paula also has foot ulcers that are occasionally debilitating. Paula has isolated herself from the community she had previously been a part of. She was interested in her local church, but she has not built any relationships. She has an interdisciplinary team of a physician, psychiatrist, obstetrical nurse, and social worker. Paula is pregnant and is fearful of the father because he has already been threatened and harassed many times. Paula has begun to exhibit increased paranoia and has reported she started smoking again to calm her nerves. She also stated she stopped taking her psychiatric medications and has been skipping some of her HIV medications. The social worker has observed that Paula deteriorating by not eating or taking her medication. This is risky for herself and the pregnancy. Paula was placed on a 72-hour involuntary hold in the psychiatric unit resulting from the suicide risk assessment. Paula’s interdisciplinary team has made a plan for her medical and psychiatric needs and the needs of the unborn child. Even though Paula is noncompliant and has been hospitalized multiple times over the last 10 years, if she keeps up with her HIV medications and goes to her prenatal appointments there should be no reason why she and the baby can’t be healthy. Paula also has to manage the pain medication she’s taking for her foot ulcer because that can cause the baby to be born addicted to the medication resulting in having the baby stay in the NICU. Paula would be considered high risk in her population of focus. Overall, the social worker states that Paula has no social support, limited financial resources, and will have difficulty caring for a newborn. Although Paula has a history of not being reliable, she will need to apply to WIC and Medicaid with the support to get her there.
3 Will Paula achieve her goals of mental health and physical problems with intervention to improve her and the baby’s life? It is important to address this question because the professionals need to know she is willing to focus on her goals. If someone is not ready to begin to take their well-being seriously, they can put that time into someone who does. This doesn’t mean Paula wouldn’t get any help but there would be less professional to client contact. Literature Review Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a process in which the practitioner combines well- researched interventions with clinical experience, ethics, client preferences, and culture to guide and inform the delivery of treatments and services (NASW, 2020). The article ‘Self- management among community-dwelling people with chronic conditions: Adapting evidence- based group programs using intervention mapping says “Self-management is a core theme within chronic care and several evidence-based interventions (EBIs) exist to promote self- management ability” (Jans, 2020). These interventions were studied by group programs around the world. They used intervention mapping to adapt evidence-based interventions. There were 30 self-management support programs, of which 24 were disease-specific and 6 were more generic. Some of these programs were chronic disease self-management programs, self-management promotional educational programs, healthy active behavioural interventions, etc. This handful of groups were interviewed and assessed related to strategies and methods of self-management, any issues and concerns regarding their physical health conditions, and materials about participation and how it will effectively help in the long run. The results found that the behavioral determinants such as knowledge/ awareness, attitude, self-efficiency, subjective norm, and skills were all positively impacted by the programs providing help and education with health conditions. There were effective goal setting, self-monitoring, self-reevaluation, and feedback
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