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May 10, 2024





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Identify the process evaluation article that you chose and explain why you selected this example.  The article that I selected for analysis was entitled "Process Evaluation of a Parenting Program for Low- Income Families in South Africa." This article presents significant information regarding the prevalence of abuse and neglect among individuals with low income, which immediately captured my attention. I chose this program because I researched child maltreatment during my coursework. In addition to my professional responsibilities as a children's intervention specialist, my exposure to numerous instances of child maltreatment and trauma has motivated me to further my understanding of the subject in order to implement what I've learned in the field. Describe the purpose of the evaluation, the informants, the questions asked, and the results of the evaluation. The goal of this mixed-methods study was to evaluate the efficacy of a locally produced, evidence-based parenting intervention that targeted low-income households in Cape Town, South Africa.. There was a variety of data gathered for this review, such as parents, focus groups, and recordings of conversations between parents and supervisors (Lachman et al., 2018). It was mentioned that at the start of each session, parents talked about how well they had been parents the week before (Lachman et al., 2018). This study used qualitative methods to look at how many low-income parents with kids ages 3 to 8 participated in, followed, and liked an evidence-based parenting program run by community leaders. The questions posed throughout the evaluation included “What do community facilitators and parents with low incomes think are the things that make it hard and easy to adopt and participate in programs in places with few resources”, and “How do South African facilitators and parents decide if parenting programs that are based on facts are good”? According to Lachmann et al. (2018), there was a lot of participation, implementation, and acceptance of this approach. Identify the stage of program implementation in which the evaluation was conducted.  Researchers analyzed program implementation throughout the planning stage to ensure its feasibility and effectiveness (Lachman et al., 2018). TSNE (2018) suggests that process evaluations help identify program beneficiaries. Consider why the researchers chose to evaluate at that stage of program implementation. What kind of information would they have received if they had conducted the evaluation earlier or later?  Researchers chose the planning stage to analyze program implementation to understand expectations and exceed them. Conducting qualitative measurements like interviews, surveys, and questionnaires is the most effective way to gather feedback and honest perspectives, even if the evaluation was done later.
If you were to replicate the study, would you adjust it in any way for more optimal results? If I were to duplicate this study, I would follow the techniques outlined in this post to achieve similar results owing of the openness provided. This evaluation is a formative evaluation, ensuring that a program or movement is feasible, appropriate, and satisfying before being fully implemented (CDC, n.d.). This benefits me since it enables the program to evolve and improve by incorporating new ideas and correcting flaws. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Types of evaluationLinks to an external site.. https://www.cdc.gov/std/program/pupestd/types%20of%20evaluation.pdf TSNE. (2018, June 14). Process evaluation vs. outcome evaluationLinks to an external site.. https://www.tsne.org/blog/process-evaluation-vs-outcome-evaluation Lachman, J. M., Kelly, J., Cluver, L., Ward, C. L., Hutchings, J., & Gardner, F. (2018). Process evaluation of a parenting program for low-income families in South AfricaLinks to an external site.. Research on Social Work Practice, 28(2), 188–202. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049731516645665
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