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May 12, 2024





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Module 2 Opportunity for Improvement Sarah Herb American College of Education EL5703 School Improvement Dr. Lori Schieffer 21 April 2024 1
Module 2 Opportunity for Improvement Our school improvement plan team is a dynamic assembly of professionals dedicated to enhancing our educational environment. Led by our principal, we benefit from the expertise of an instructional coach and a performance coach, who refine teaching practices and foster continuous educator growth. Addressing behavior and nurturing a positive school culture is our behavior specialist, while our IEP coordinator ensures individualized support for students with special needs. Guiding us through state regulations and external support is our state support representative, while community members and parents offer invaluable perspectives. Together, we collaborate to develop and implement comprehensive strategies, fostering a culture of continuous growth and positive change within our school community. Disaggregatio n ELA Performanc e Index 21- 22 ELA Goal 21-22 Math Performance Index 21-22 Math Goal 21-22 ELA Performanc e Index 22- 23 ELA Goal 22-23 Math Performance Index 22-23 Math Goal 22-23 All Students 49.556 78.56 31.231 71.12 44.762 80.94 33.22 74.33 American Indian or Alaskan Native NC 69.67 NC 60.79 NC 71.26 NC 62.85 Asian or Pacific Islander NC 86.89 NC 83.93 NC 87.58 NC 84.78 Black, Non- Hispanic 37.059 54.79 28.966 44.09 37 57.17 30 47.03 Economic Disadvantage 49.556 64.22 31.231 55.12 44.762 66.1 33.22 57.48 English Learner NC 62.6 NC 56.97 NC 64.57 NC 59.23 Hispanic NC 66.28 NC 57.7 NC 68.05 NC 59.93 Multiracial NC 71.64 NC 61.72 NC 73.14 NC 63.73 Students with Disabilities 45.676 50.64 30.909 45.52 42.353 53.24 31.875 48.39 White, Non- Hispanic 60.5 84.26 34.074 77.23 54.706 85.09 37.917 78.43 Meeting Summary Figure 1 2
Figure 2 Disaggregation Chronic Absenteeism Rate 2022-2023 Chronic Absenteeism Rate 2021-2022 All Students 46.1 53.7 American Indian or Alaskan Native NC NC Asian or Pacific Islander NC NC Black, Non-Hispanic 51.2 75.8 Economic Disadvantage 46.1 53.7 English Learner NC NC Hispanic 65.6 NC Multiracial 58.2 55.1 Students with Disabilities 54.1 56.9 White, Non-Hispanic 37.3 38 During our recent school improvement meeting, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of our school's performance data to identify areas for growth and improvement. Utilizing our School Improvement Evidence Chart, we synthesized key findings and identified two critical areas for focus: student achievement and attendance rates. Figure 1 illustrates student achievement data across ELA and math by subgroup. Figure 2 presents data on student absenteeism rates, allowing us to identify patterns and potential interventions to support student engagement. Through collaborative discussion and analysis, we identified several actionable strategies to address the identified gaps and capitalize on opportunities for improvement. These include targeted interventions to support struggling students, implementation of evidence-based instructional practices, and initiatives to enhance school climate and student engagement. By leveraging these insights and focusing on these key areas, we are confident in our ability to 3
drive positive change and foster a culture of continuous improvement within our school community. Gaps Between Disaggregated Data Subgroups During our analysis of disaggregated data subgroups, we observed a concerning correlation between low achievement and high absenteeism rates among certain student groups. Delving deeper into the data, we conducted evidence-based activities and additional analyses to better understand the root causes of this correlation and develop informed conclusions. We examined attendance records, conducted surveys to gather insights into potential barriers to attendance, and reviewed qualitative data from student and parent interviews. Additionally, we explored research on the impact of absenteeism on academic performance and identified evidence-based interventions to improve attendance and mitigate its negative effects on achievement. Through this comprehensive approach, we concluded that addressing chronic absenteeism is crucial for improving student outcomes, particularly among groups with the lowest achievement. Our conclusions informed the development of targeted strategies and interventions aimed at promoting regular attendance and providing support to students facing attendance challenges, ultimately fostering a positive impact on academic achievement and overall school success. Gaps Between the Mission Statement and Data Findings In analyzing the gaps between the Summit Academy Schools' mission statement and our data findings, our team identified several areas for improvement. While the mission emphasizes providing a structured safe haven and highly specialized curriculum for alternative learners, our data revealed shortcomings in curriculum quality and teacher training. Some of the textbooks used are not highly rated curriculums according to EdReports. According to Watt (2020), EdReports is a program that initiated in 2014 for analyzing instructional materials, improving local decision making for selecting materials, and providing professional learning to 4
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