Assignment 3_ Report



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May 12, 2024





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Teaching Period 1, 2024 CRI20003: Crime, Deviance and Conformity Assignment 3: Report Word/time limit: 2000 words (+/- 10%) Weighting: 40% Due date: 5pm AEST Friday 7 June 2024 (Week 12) Individual/team task: Individual After you have read this information, head over to the Assignment 3 Q&A ( discussion board to ask any questions and see what your peers are saying about this assignment. Assignment details The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a critical analysis of the ways groups, individuals or social acts are depicted as deviant in the media. This assignment supports unit learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3 . Use the following steps to get started in your assignment. Step 1: Select a media story Your media story could come from traditional news sources (e.g. ABC, BBC, CNN, The Age , the Herald Sun ), a magazine, or social media (Facebook, X, TikTok, etc.). The media article must: Have enough content for analysis and contain a group, individual or social act represented as deviant, at least one norm or value being broken, and one label being applied as a consequence. The deviant behaviour you select to analyse must differ from those you covered in previous assignments. Be freely accessible to all readers without requiring login or subscription. It is advisable to select the story from reputable media outlets such as ABC, CNN, and BBC and to avoid obscure websites. Have been published within the last ten years. The following are examples of media stories. Please note that you cannot use these example articles in your assignment. You must research and choose your own article. 11/05/2024, 13:58 Assignment 3: Report 1/6
Example 1 (norms, values and labels): Budget 2017: Substance abuse crackdown and random tests for dole bludgers ( abuse-crackdown-and-random-tests-for-dole-bludgers/news- story/20f0568f9d750c97bf7e5eafde05285a) (Bita, 2018). Example 2 (norms, values and labels): Two women arrested after being filmed riding motorbike in Iran ( east/womens-rights-iran-arrested-motorbike-motorcycle-revolutionary-religious-values- dezful-video-a7527051.html) (Dearden, 2017). Example 3 (values and labels): The hypocrisy of Barnaby Joyce is stunning ( 20180212-p4z03k.html) (Birmingham, 2017). Step 2: Compose a research report Compose a research report that includes the following: Provide an overview of the issue/social group in question, its background, the media it appears in, and the nature of the group/individual/journalist/politician, etc. presenting the issue, which will allow you to assess whether deviance is re-emerging as a useful or harmful social category. Individual crimes of an extreme nature (e.g. murder, rape, terrorism) will always be deviant, so set them aside. Define and discuss the terms, norms, values, and labelling with references to the sociological literature. Identify and explain the norm and/or value, and how and why it is considered normative as well as the purpose of its status. Explain why the media story suggests it has been broken. This will be relative (based on the extremity of the view presented and the media that’s hosting it) and should be assessed in terms of its reception and the countervailing views. Discuss what label had been applied, and the implications of this labelling. Is the breaking of norms or values being highlighted to attract a labelling process? That is, does it allow someone in a powerful position the ability to identify an action that they want to highlight by drawing society's attention to it? Do they do this by placing it in a category that draws attention to the action? Draw upon relevant theoretical and conceptual frameworks to analyse and interpret the media story. Critically examine the article’s narrative and discourses and reveal underlying ideologies and cultural assumptions about the observed deviance. Reflect on the impact and implications of media representations on public perception, social control, conformity, and the construction of deviance. 11/05/2024, 13:58 Assignment 3: Report 2/6
The norm that you choose may not be part of the social consensus but may in fact be a part of a minority view or subculture, so don’t feel that you have to present 'socially sanctioned' norms. Feel free to present normative examples from your social world that highlight possibilities for broadening our understanding of normativity. Ensure you use at least one sociological theory from the unit to focus your analysis (e.g. normative, control, functionalist, labelling perspectives). Step 3: Referencing You must cite at least ten academic sources in your report (academic references refer to peer-reviewed sources such as books, book chapters and journal articles). In addition to the ten academic references, you could cite non-academic but reputable sources such as government websites or reports from international organisations. Your selected media article must be included in your reference list. Review the American Psychological Association (APA) style guide ( for more information on how to reference correctly. You can also use the Referencing tool ( to help you. Research and referencing 11/05/2024, 13:58 Assignment 3: Report 3/6
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