Statistics class Week 2



Central Texas College *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






May 15, 2024





Uploaded by isabelleavilla2203

Part A: Question 1: Share a real statistical study with a flaw; summarize the study and state the flaw. Include a discussion of how a graph might present study results in a misleading way. One study I found was one on the statistics of bullying and bullying prevention/ how can we stop bullying? In this study a graph might present the study results in a misleading way because there are many categories of bullying as well as many categories of people being bullied going from young children to grown adults. To summarize this study focuses on bullying prevention and the types of bullying out there in today’s world. These include but are not limited to cyberbullying between tweens and teens and how it affects their schooling. “According to the Center for Disease Control, students who are bullied are more likely to experience low self-esteem and isolation, perform poorly in school, have few friends in school, have a negative view of school, experience physical symptoms (such as headaches, stomachaches, or problems sleeping), and to experience mental health issues (such as depression, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety).” (Fast Facts: Preventing Bullying |Violence Prevention|Injury Center| CDC, n.d.). The flaw in this topic is bullying can be prevented. This is a topic so widespread with different opinions about if bullying can really be prevented or not that there is a major flaw that could possibly create bias. This also depends on one’s personal experiences as well. If the personal experiences were bad with bullying prevention and the news stories are even worse than a lot of bias will be created making a big flaw in the statistics with this topic. Question 2: Share one study strategy that you predict will help you succeed in learning statistics and succeeding in this class; state a reason that is a good fit for you. One study strategy that helps me is Part B: Reflecting on the Live Learning session, briefly discuss two main points that you can apply to this course, future courses, your professional and personal life. Spotlight the top one or two ideas or strategies that most impacted you. Be specific, sharing examples presented in the Live Learning session, and specifically how you will apply these. Fast Facts: Preventing Bullying |Violence Prevention|Injury Center|CDC. (n.d.).
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