Wek 12 Journal



Brigham Young University, Idaho *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






May 20, 2024





Uploaded by ProfessorOxide20993

Note-taking (Week 12) What will we gain if we advocate for the world's families and lose our own children? o When we advocate for the world’s family, in return we are advocating for our own family and children as well. We can gain hopefully a better world and future for our families and children. How are families the most powerful influence on how children view citizenship and civic engagement? o Our children learn from us and they watch what we do, and the world does. Our own kids compare their families with their friends all the time. They watch and see everything, it’s so important that we have a solid family unit and household strong in the foundation of the Gospel to help armor our children. What are some ways we can teach our children to be responsible citizens? o Be honest, be a hard worker, be a person of their word, contribute to society, don’t be a bum, work for what you want. If there was a document titled, "What God Knows about Women and Mothers," which of the two articles you just read would more closely resemble that? o I would say Mothers Who Know, God created mothers to be the care takers and the homemakers, but it’s important to understand that not every family is the same and is able to have the luxury of the mother staying home, whether it’s for money reasons, or it’s a single parent home. We need to be sensitive and understanding that every home has a unique situation for themselves. Weekly Reflection Questions:  What personal impressions did you have as you reviewed the material? o I learned that the Gospel and the church teach us amazing principals and that God really has a plan and has it all mapped out for us, we just need to read about it, listen to it, and follow it. What did you learn from your peers this week? o That as members and children of God we need to be understanding and sensitive to every person and their family dynamic. That we need to help each other out and work to be there for those who are struggling. How is this lesson helpful to you as a family advocate? o It gives us a better understanding of different family dynamics and how to approach those situations.
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