Discussion 5



Columbia College - Missouri *

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May 22, 2024





Uploaded by BrigadierTitanium12890

What are the relationships among community policing, problem-oriented policing, and intelligence-led policing? Are they similar or are they fundamentally different? Explain your rationale. Community policing is the way of bringing police and the community together. “Although not all programs work (police–community newsletters and cleanup campaigns do not seem to do much good), the over-all impression has been that patrol officers can reduce the level of fear in the community. Some studies have also showed that community policing programs reduce crime.” (226) Community policing puts officers with the people they serve which could strengthen the trust between them as well as prevent crime. Foot patrol is a good example of how the officers can be more involved in their community. Problem-oriented policing (POP) is “A style of police management that stresses proactive problem solving instead of reactive crime fighting.” (230) “ Like community policing, being problem solvers requires that police departments rely on local residents and private resources .” (230) The “hotspots’ of where crime occurs and using the problem-oriented policing strategy would allow officers to patrol the are more to reduce the crime rates. Malls, gas stations, hotels and certain apartments contain more criminal activity and focusing on reducing crimes helps the relation in the community as well. Meaning that the violence would go down too! Win! Win! Intelligence led policing (ILP) is “The collection and analysis of information to produce an intelligence end product designed to inform police decision making at both the tactical and strategic levels.” (232) Just like community-based policing they need a solid and trustful relationship between the officers and the community. Confidential informants, suspect surveillance, offender interviews, and information from community sources are some of the ways
that information is found. Compared to problem-oriented policing the “Problem-oriented policing puts problem identification and solution in the hands of individual street-level officers.” (232) “ ILP is also similar to community policing in that it relies on residents as part of the intelligence-gathering process .” (232) All the ways of policing involve the community and the information that can be found within it! No matter which approach is taken, the trust between the police and the public is vital in solving and preventing criminal activities. Works Cited Siegel, L. J., & Worrall, J. L. (2021). Introduction to Criminal Justice (17th ed.). Cengage Learning US. https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/books/9780357631058 https://www.rand.org/pubs/tools/TL261/better-policing-toolkit/all-strategies/problem-oriented- policing.html
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