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Jun 21, 2024





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1 2.2 Assignment: Journal Student Name 3FA2023 Adv Interpersonal Practice Professor Name January, 17 th 2022
2 Comparing and Contrasting The social work clinical practice theory that I chose to compare and contrast with Relational Theory was Attachment Based Family Therapy. I chose ABFT because over the years I have gained an increasing interest about how family histories and childhood environments influence a persons behaviors and perceptions. Over the course of my work I’ve noticed strong ties in a persons perceptions of certain feelings and have noticed that those that struggle the most with feelings, relationships and sense of self have had trauma and/or come from dysfunctional families. Comparison of the two I was able to find in the article titled Beyond the Pale of Psychoanalysis: Relational Theory and Generalist Social Work Practice, that Relational Theory “retains the ability of systems theories to view individuals in the context of their environments, yet it also attends to the processes through which individuals internalize experience of self, other, and environment and how those internal models play out in the milieu of social service delivery” (Segal, 2013, p376). This same article stated that “Relational Theory utilizes social work core values of service, social justice, dignity, worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence” (Segal, 2013, p378). Lastly, one of the points in the reading that I found to be interesting and pertinent to the assignment was that “Relational theory’s assumption of the importance of human connectedness” (Segal, 2013, p378). There were many more points of interest in this article but I felt that these three could be instrumental in the comparison of Relational Theory to Attachment Based Family Therapy. An advantage of Relational Theory could possibly be that “seeks to co-create understanding within the context. Instrumental in challenging strong classical traditions that focused primarily on internal processes” (Quinn & Grumbach, 2015, p204). Another advantage
3 that can be expounded on later in the journal assignment is that Relational Theory could potentially aid in forming rapport and relationship with those that are labeled as “resistant to treatment” or are involuntary clients. Possible limitations of Relational Theory are that (1) it does have implications for women and women of color (2) not all women focus their energy on the need for connection and/or nurturing – adapted from the article Critical Race Theory and the Limits of Relational Theory in Social Work with Women. Another limitation that mirrors a benefit of Relational Theory is that although it may be helpful to help build rapport and relationship with those that are labeled as “resistant to treatment” or involuntary, many are quick to label them as such when the relationship is not formed in a timely manner. The basis for Attachment Based Family Therapy is Attachment Theory which the article titled Relational Models and Engagement: An Attachment Theory Perspective states that it is “a relational framework of interpersonal relationships, as a theoretical lens to provide insight into how individual differences may explain engagement levels” (Diamond, Russen, Levy. 2016. P32). Advantages that of using Attachment Based Family Therapy is that even if a parent figure is missing from the equation of therapy “the therapist can become a secure base and fulfill the position of attachment figure so that a client can be helped to achieve a secure attachment style that is characteristic of mental health” (Blakely & Dziadosz, 2015. P283). Another advantage of using ABFT with Relational Theory is that if a connection is not made within the timely manner that attachment could be potential reasons, and if this is the case a deeper rapport could be established and aide in the overall Planned Change Process.
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