
1.Introduction. Halogen Bonding, Xb, Is The Product Of

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Halogen bonding, XB, is the product of a non-covalent interaction between a halogen X and a negative site B (e.g., Lewis base). The halogen, X, is usually part of an R-X molecule where R can be another halogen, an organic or an inorganic electron-donating-group. Halogen bonding (XB) is in some ways analogous to hydrogen bonding (HB). In the latter, a hydrogen atom is shared between an atom, group or molecule that “donates” and another that “accepts” it.[1-3] In halogen bonding, it is a halogen atom X that is shared between a donor R and an acceptor Y. Thus the two forms of interaction can be illustrated by:
HB : R_H…Y
XB : R_X…Y
Because of their high electronegativity; halogen atoms in halo-organics are classically …show more content…

More recent studies of the halogen bond in the solid state have been conferred by both Pennington et al and Laurence et al. [19-21]
The seventies and the eighties of the last century witnessed the further extension of the experimental inspections by introducing infrared spectroscopy of Lewis base–dihalogen complexes isolated in solid inert gas matrices at temperatures low enough to cease reaction, even when the dihalogen was ClF or F2. Lattice effects in cryogenic matrices are lesser than those present in Hassel’s crystals however, they are not fully absent. [22-37]
The introduction of supersonic expansion techniques endorsed studying the rotational spectra of HF…ClF12 and HF…Cl2 13 in active isolation via molecular beam electric resonance spectroscopy. Klemperer et al referred to such complexes as anti-hydrogen bonded, with HF acting as a Lewis base. The advantage of the supersonic

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