
Bromination Of Trans-Stilbene Lab Report

Decent Essays

Bromination of trans-cinnamic acid and trans-stilbene
Determining how a mechanism comes to be is crucial as a scientist and arriving to conclusions is a crucial component which lead to examining and determining which mechanism takes place when two or more substrates are made to react. At the end of the experiment a mechanism was determined based on the purified product’s melting point. This was accomplished by having the reaction take place but also through acquiring the melting point and comparing the number to the melting point which was already established by the scientific community. (Q1) When 0.252 g of trans-cinnamic acid was mixed in 2.5 mL glacial acetic acid and 0.434g pyridinium tribromide was added, the resulting product reflects an addition reaction. In general, reactions take place to achieve its lowest Gibb’s free energy because it’s at …show more content…

To stabilize the structure, the negative bromide was introduced via backside attack and made an anti product.
Melting range should be between 202°C to 204°C

Single Syn Addition Mechanism:
Bromide molecule from pyridinium tribromide was attacked by pi bond creating a positive charge on the bromide. To stabilize the structure, the negative bromide was introduced via frontside attack and made an syn product.
Melting range should be between 93.5°C to 95°C

Single Mechanism that leads to Mixture of both Syn and Anti Mechanism: Both frontside and backside attack occurs but the most predominant product is the one that is most stable. Most stable would be anti structure.
Melting range would be closely related to a mixed sample whose constituents are most identical. In other words, melting point will have a wide range and would be below 200°C and above 95°C.


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