Image a city that lost its law enforcement support or they just vanished. Depending on the type of city, it may survive for a day, possibly months. Eventually the word would spread, like a virus. Individuals with all sorts of negative agendas would arrive one at a time. The crime rate would skyrocket, homes being burglarized, cars been stolen, property being vandalized, and overall mere chaos. The only way to regain control of the city would be to fight for it. There would be a need for some sort of law enforcement presents to recapture control and return the city to what it was. Utilize an information technology device can be scary, not that scary, but can add unnecessary worries to an individual or organization. There are so many …show more content…
To be able to understand how to protect your system you must understand why it needs to be protected. Information technology provides the ability to almost anywhere you want to be. It also provides the ability to drive a unique force, build greater dreams, and for some users it is a way to keep secrets or scared memories. These items are protected by the ability to ensure C.I.A. or also known confidentiality, integrity, availability. When these items are combined they are known as the “C-I-A triad or the security triad”. (Plegger, 2012, p.12) The C.I.A functions together, each piece relies on each other to work properly. Any type of password or authentication failure affects the course of C.I.A triad, it is like cutting off the leg of a chair, it will not hold up. If all your documents are saved on a computer and it is stolen you lose the availability of the documents. If you give your password out or provide unauthorized individuals access to certain folders they have the ability to change documents and provide deceitful information. Confidentiality is being able to protect information. It is the process of keeping certain items private and not viewed by unauthorized individuals, outside or inside parties, a need to know. Depending on the subject’s position, title, job title or extra duties the user has requested will depend on the type of information or need to know
The types of information that are confidential and how to store them in line with current legislation.
An employee should uphold the confidentiality of information assigned to them by the company and its customers, except when revelation of such information is authorized or required by applicable laws, rules or regulations. “Confidential information” includes all records, non-public information related to the company and its business, customers, or vendors that come to an employee in the course of carrying out the employee’s duties and that can be value to competitors or damaging to the company or its business if revealed.
Confidentiality: Is not sharing verbal/ written information without permission, also not discussing one individual with another.
Confidentiality at workplace is important because it shows that there is trust between yourself and your colleagues. At the beginning of your employment you will sign a contract of confidentiality to make sure what is said in the office doesn’t leave the office. Also it is part of the database protection act. The benefits of confidentiality are that you know whatever is said within the office environment treated with the strictest confidence and also it means you are able to have a level of trust within the office and also with your colleague.
Information received from someone else I.E. the patient should not be passed on to third parties without the consent of the person that the information was initially received from, as per the data protection act 1998 states this also includes, electronic, verbal, documents, and includes every form of storage of information received or passed on.
Confidentiality is a right a person has in which to keep information about themselves private without anyone else being able to access it unless given permission or consent by an authorised person. A person's information should only be disclosed on a need to know basis i.e official bodies or next of kin unless specified otherwise. Information may also be disclosed if the information that is being held outweighs the risk to the person's health.
* Confidentiality – the steps that are taken when people’s information is not kept confidential and on a need to know basis
Confidentiality means that information or anything said to you if kept safe and private and only people that need to know the information do. This may include personal details which show address, phone numbers, and medical information. Information on child development, like observation sheets. Finical information, how the children's parents pay for the children to be in the nursery.
Confidentiality means keeping information given by or about an individual in the course of a professional relationship secure and safe from others. There are eight principals of good practice and anyone processing personal information must comply with them.
Confidentiality is one of the three characteristics of the C.I.A. model. It establishes those with sufficient privileges and the need to access the information. Confidentiality is most related to information privacy. It is extremely important to protect the information of employees, customers, or patients. No matter what type of organization it is it will disclose confidential information. That being said, all confidential information is vulnerable to accidental exposure or an intentional hack. If an unauthorized individual or system views the information, confidentiality is breached. Confidentiality contains several measures that are applied to protect the confidentiality of information. These measures include information classification, sure document and data storage, application of general security policies, education of information custodians and end users.
Confidentiality: Acknowledgement of the process of keeping trusted information private by the clinician, while distinguishing the reason for breaking one’s promise in keeping information secret; through written and verbal communication.
Recent incidents of police brutality have brought up critical discussions on policing and law enforcement across the country. The nation seems to have come into a consensus about police reforms, and find an alternative way to fight crimes while assuring the safety of the public . At a time where unarmed black teenagers are being gunned down by police officers who were there to protect, and police departments are more militarized than ever; one wonders about the legitimacy of the police system that is in place. The mistrust of the public on police, and the costly militarization of police are the results of “aggressive” policing approach that has been practiced for years. An alternative way of policing, community policing, has been recommended and put in place in some parts of the country. Community policing mainly focuses on preventing crimes by working first hand with communities and change the dynamic of power by having communities actively engaged to work for their safety. Community policing is not a new method, it has been discussed by scholars since the late 1980’s and is now getting more attention than ever with recent protests on police brutality. Unlike standard policing, community policing is economically efficient, and has proven to be effective in reducing crimes.
Knowing the difference between privacy and confidentiality can be confusing. Privacy is the right of individuals to keep information about themselves from being disclosed; that is, people (our patients) are in control of others access to themselves or information about themselves. Patients decide who, when, and where to
Confidentiality is considered a core value or principal in the medical practice. Confidentiality is a right that all people have within the medical field. This is the requirement of health care providers to keep a person’s information exclusive unless the patient or the person consents in the form of a release to share that information with other people that practice. Usually the consent is given when a doctor wants to consult with a different doctor for example. In this case it would be for the betterment of the person.
The tough city. The large scale crime city. The corrupt city. During the early 1900s, Chicago was not known for having a superior reputation. Aware of his city’s reputation, Sandburg was very candid in speaking about it. In spite of this reputation, he had great pride in the city. He discerned the great aspects of it that others chose to overlook. Sandburg’s proud tone throughout his poem “Chicago” is established through the utilization of strong diction, clever sentence structure, and vivid imagery.