
A Database Problem Before Recommending A Sql Or Nosql Or Bigdata Solution

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1. What things would you want to know about a database problem before recommending a SQL or NoSQL or BigData solution that would help you make that recommendation?
I would like to know if there is current data base and what type is used: Excel table, Access DB, SQL, NoSQL, and Word Documents. Then I would like to know how big current Data Base or Datasets is. Then I would like to know what representation of data in Data Set is: key-value, raw data, tables, schemas, structure or not. Next I will check what HW resources is: PC Servers, EC2, OS, and Clusters. Then I would like to know, what protection is and duplication level is needed. If it would be new project from scratch, then additional to questions above I would like to know …show more content…

Let’s take Unis OS that has offer very limited user interface for file system and command like “ls”, “grep” and “find” that allow us to list or find files, but only support a limited query language, and extend them with richer queries, Like :
a) Find all directories that contain an *.c file and an *.obj file with the same name but where the obj file is older than the c file
b) List all directories in decreasing order of the number of files; list all directories in decreasing order of the total amount of space used in that directory
c) Find duplicate files across all directories, i.e. files with the same name, same content
d) search in all directories that contain some .pdf file for all files that contain the words 'Conclusion ' and 'Introduction '
The schema of data will have table with following:
File name, Directory Structure, File Attribute, File Content and File signature
Representation will be a WEB service.

3. Describe in a few sentences a business or computational problem you would want to solve with a NoSQL database, and what makes NoSQL a better choice in this case?
Answer: NoSQL DB is document based DB and represented in collection without solid structure key-value pairs, documents, graph Db or wide-column stores and has not predefine schema, use Dynamic schema. NoSQL DB is horizontally scalable that will increase amount of DB servers in the pool of

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