There has been debate over what constitutes a leader so there is no wonder that the styles of leaders vary. Leaders must be able to motivate, mentor, coach and inspire others to reach organizational goals. Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people (Medina, 2011). All leaders of effective groups have four characteristics in common. First, they provide direction and meaning to the people they are leading and are responsible for keeping team members aware of important stated goals and objectives (Howard, 2005). Second, they generate trust by acting in an honest manner that creates an environment of trust (Howard, 2005). Third, they prefer action and risk taking and are …show more content…
I currently manage a total of twenty-seven employees and have three who directly report to me. There are twenty-four who are at the other branches and are mostly managed via e-mail, memos and an occasional visit from me. The three in my office are quite diverse, Ann, a recently married young mother, Linda, a near retirement age older lady and Rohan, a recently immigrated Hindu young man. It is necessary to be participative in my style of leadership and use emotional intelligence to manage my relationships with them in a mature and constructive way. I must listen to their needs and we come to a solution without having a negative impact on their daily workload. My transactional leadership style is used with all three employees but I have to rely on it mostly with Ann, my youngest employee. Consistently her role as a dispatch clerk must be clarified and reiterated. She is not an employee who responds well when her mistakes are exposed, but responds best when she is shown how to accomplish the goal and correct her errors. I have learned that I have to monitor her progress toward goal achievement or she will miss the mark. Her rewards are in direct relation to her accomplishments, and when she misses the goals, we come up with new strategies to achieve them. Now years later, I understand that in order to motivate her, I must use different tactics that respond to her willingness to make goals but her inability to achieve those goals on her own. Linda is an
1.1 Describe the factors that will influence the choice of leadership styles or behaviours in workplace situations
A1. Leadership Style Upon conducting research, it is clear that the definition of “leadership” is not agreed upon. It is fluid, based upon many perceptions, situations, and surroundings. According to Robinson (2010), adopting a specific style of leadership is rather futile as it is, “contingent on the personal traits of the leader, the people being led, and the nature of the activity.” Tools are available to help guide potential leaders in determining a preferred style of leadership. For example, utilizing the “Leadership Self-Assessment
Leadership Evaluation and Philosophy: An Appraisal of Angela Merkel’s Leadership during the Euro Crisis and My Leadership Philosophy
Leadership can be defined as the process of identifying a goal, motivating others, and make them to achieve the mutually goals (Giltinane, 2013). According to Humphreys (2002), successful leaders do this by applying their leadership knowledge and skills. A good leadership is not only good at management, but also use different leadership styles in different situations. A successful corporation must has a good leader who have the flexible ability which can provide a suitable leadership to make the company successful. Furthermore, there have no perfect leadership styles in the world. Different leader have different leadership styles which also have the different strengths and weaknesses (Ali & Waqar, 2013). Leaders need to consider
Please answer the following questions related to a leader you have experienced in your personal or professional life. Chapter 22 outlines the different leadership styles.
My leadership style is problem solver; this leadership style offers me the opportunity to utilize the knowledge and experience of my followers. I believe that I am more of this leadership style because I tend to accept input from group members when making decisions and solving problems. I do this because I feel that everyone in the group have something tangible to contribute to the group, and sometimes they might have access to key information that can help in my decision making. I take the information and put them together to use in reaching a decision, because I know that I will have the final say as the leader of the group. I believe that the group is put together
Leadership can be defined as the ability to lead a group of people successfully in an organization. Hall, et al (2008) have mentioned that an effective leader has to be visionary, motivating and responsible in order to successfully run a business organization. In business the two key leadership styles, which are widely used in today’s corporate world are autocratic leadership and democratic leadership (Johnson, n.d.). Autocratic leadership may be explained as “a leadership style where the manager sets objectives, allocates tasks and insists on obedience” (Hall, et al 2008 p.g 401). Conversely, democratic leadership encourages “participation in decision making” (Hall, et al 2008 p.g 402). Whilst many people would consider autocratic
When you think of the terms: leader and leadership, you generally equate them with being only one person. However, my view of leadership, especially effective leadership, is a shared function between many individuals. There are numerous leadership theories. As a whole, leadership theories should be implemented to contribute to the improvement of our schools.
The leadership styles of the United States Presidents can make them effective or it can limit their effectiveness. The effectiveness of the President has direct effect on the American people. Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy were two leaders that had major influences in the mid-20th century. Both men played a key role in the United States involvement in Vietnam. The experiences, styles of leading, and characteristics of both President’s Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy intensified the level of involvement the United States had in the Vietnam experience. Even though the leadership styles may have differed, the two leaders refused to let communism spread (Moss, 2010).
There are three principle leadership styles. They are Goleman’s providing six management styles for leaders to work more efficiently with followers based on situation (Hoang, 2010) and Blake and Mouton’s in which the combination between the concern for people and for production is presented and result in the effective management style (BPP learning media, 2010). Moreover, the Hersey and Blanchard’s studies how “leaders match their style to the competence and commitment of subordinates” (Hoang, 2012, p.15).
There are a number of different theories of leadership styles applied in education today. One contingency style of leadership, which has triggered debate amongst scholars, is the path-goal theory wherein its primary aim is to align methodology with circumstances. The application of this theory can lead to a number of improvements in the educational setting which include increased motivation, satisfaction, and capacity. Although this theory has been in existence for more than three decades; scholars argue that it has not been adequately researched. On the contrary, transformational leadership has been widely studied and proven to be effective. The application of this theory involves the leader 1) acting as the moral exemplar 2) building awareness and articulating the vision and 3) improving team capacity. The path-goal theory as well as the transformational leadership theory will be examined in depth in order to determine future implications for educational leaders.
Leadership is a milestone that every leader wants to achieve. Leader is the one who encourages others, helps to achieve their dreams without any intervention or pressure. Till this day, one of the most important thing that I have realized is every leader has followers. Followers are the proof that a leader exist. Leadership styles, vision, beliefs, and norms tends to differ from one leader to other. There is nothing to worry about the differences in the leadership styles as leader choose a particular leadership style according to them. There are so many people who wants to be a leader or who come forward to become a leader. But the biggest concern is why isn 't every single interested candidate in the position of the leader. For instance, there are so many big personalities who have contributed to the nation, and some of them have even contributed going beyond it. They feel the problems that others are struggling with and help them by living in another country. To honor those distinct personalities CNN has tried its best to recognize those people and honor them. In this context, among ten capable people CNN chooses a person, it is true that every nominated person deserves a recognition but as time passes by I realized that besides having the leadership skills a leader too should be capable of creating trust. The same concept is with the selection of President. We select the one whom we think has the capability to run the country and is trustworthy. Trust is
There are several kinds of leadership styles used to facilitate the actions of others. defines leadership as “a position as a leader of a group, organization, etc”. Another more inclusive definition regarding the leading role is “managers motivating employees, directing their activities, selecting the most effective communication channels, or resolving conflicts among members” (Robbins, Judge, 2013). If a company or organization suffers from poor, none, or the wrong leadership styles, everyone involved will pay and it can break them. On the other hand, when a company is firing on all cylinders and they have all the right people at the right time leading in the correct form, great things can happen, and that makes all of the difference. According to Air Force Pamphlet 36-2241 (2013), the five main leadership styles are: Laissez-Faire, Management by Exception (Passive), Management by Exception (Active), Transactional Leadership and Contingent Rewards, and lastly Transformational leadership. Each one of these styles broken down, and in different settings may add to or destroy an organization. The definition of each leadership style will be discussed, as well as the pros and cons that each style can have on a company.
Being an effective manager means knowing when to use the right management style. The six management styles are coaching, strategic, laissez- faire, bureaucratic, autocratic, and democratic. Managers have to perform many roles in an organization and knowing how they would handle difficult situations will depend on their style of management. The purpose of the paper is to understand a little about all the management styles and then which one best fits my personality and how it should be handled. Being able to be an effective Manager and knowing when to use it and how to handle a situation when it comes
Successful leaders typically have the same characteristics; they are dependable, competent, loyal, supportive and they set the example for everyone to see. I think every successful leader follows this philosophy whether they realize it or not. I have worked for several leaders throughout my 21 plus year career and I have seen all different types of leadership styles. I have learned something from every leader I have worked for, whether they were a great leader who I wanted to emulate later on in my career, or the leader that I swore I would never be like. We learn from everyone that we work for, good or bad.