What is peace? To me peace is non violence, The act of not killing and solving issues formally in person or on paper. Peace cannot be implemented if we are killing other people and countries and letting our neighbors and love ones die. If we can prevent people dying then what is stopping us? Negative peace is when violence ends. While positive peace is where it ends but brings either a change for the better or is positively impacted. This class covers so much content it was honestly really hard for me to pick out two major strands of the course that I found most interesting. My Opinion is that we should not have to solve our issues by killing. One of my favorite readings was Chapter eight, Address to the Swedish Peace in Congress 1909. I …show more content…
I just found that one of ridiculous things I’ve ever read.Tolstoy made the great point of that, the people fighting in the war are in religions that believe “Thou shalt not kill” but because it’s war and fighting for your country it's not actually the same thing? No, It's exactly the same thing. If “Thou shalt not kill” then war should not exist. Yet no one really understood that concept because no one was ever brave enough to say something about it. Just like the story of the parable of the Emperor’s New Clothes. A king who is naked but no one says anything about it because only brilliant people wear that type of clothing, but then a little boy notices that he's naked and everyone was in shock because now that it's been stated they have to question why is this strong powerful man clothing less? Why are we hurting and killing when all we want is peace? Why has war gone on
Case Study 2: A Review of Comments of the German Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference on the Conditions of Peace (October 1919)
In everyday society cruelty is faced, weather yet another person is arrested for the killing of and innocent animal, or even the seemingly never ending brutality of the police forces going viral on YouTube yet again. Of course we have the do not touch subjects, such as war. The constant debate over is killing innocent people okay, just because it’s war. Jack London really brings this point alive in his short story “War”. In this thought-provoking piece of literature the odd uses of characterization, symbolism, morals, and irony lead a reader to an overall statement of theme that simply war is cruel.
I have learned many interesting and informative topics in this course but the three topics that I found the most compelling are the United States vs. Nixon case, the Necessary and Proper Clause, and Social Security.
War is Peace – If there was no war the citizens would not have peace, war is used as a way to control and regulate peace.
According to the Collins dictionary peace is “If countries or groups involved in a war or violent conflict are discussing peace, they are talking to each other in order to try to end
My favorite part of the class were the discussions that followed the readings. I enjoyed the different views people had over topic and what they read. In my opinion, “Thirty-Eight Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call Police” by Martin Gansberg brought up the most discussion and was my personal favorite. I and other people in the class could not believe, no one helped Catherine Genovese any of the times the man came back to finish the job of killing.
In the Twentieth Century, the great influential liberty movement leaders Mohandas Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King Jr. all used peaceable to bring modification to their particular countries. The modifications they were all fighting for, being against racial discrimination and inequality. Gandhi and King were fighting against racism in India and America, with Mandela; he was battling the apartheid in South Africa. What made nonresistance work was the personality of the leaders to encourage the people who wanted to protest without fighting back, the peaceful protests, and civil disobedience. In order for non-violence to work, people have to be non-violent. Each of these leaders were so convincing that they convinced even hostile
Reflect on what you have learned in this course and discuss how it might influence your work as a professional
In the book, World Religions and Norms of War, religion and war are characterized by one of the books authors, Vesselin Popovski, as, “[always coexisting]: loved or hated, studied or ignored – they are part of human life... The people of religion and the people of war are two clearly identifiable, uniform-wearing groups, characterized by high respect for hierarchy and discipline, adherence to rules and traditions, and compliance with the orders of superiors…” (11). Popovski also continues to say that both those in religion and war endure hardships and make sacrifices (sometimes even going as far as to commit suicide) for a higher purpose. This closeness of religion and war has been one of the world’s largest problems for
Kurt Vonnegut is able to put a man’s face on war in his short story, “All the King’s Horse ”, and he exemplifies that in a time of war, the most forgotten effect on nations is the amount of innocent lives lost in meaningless battle due to unjust rulers fighting each other against a nation’s will. As Americans, we are oblivious to the fact that we have people fighting every day for our country. In addition, we ignore the fact that we do a lot of collateral damage and hurt innocent people unintentionally in order to get what we want. Vonnegut shows the reader in Pi Ying’s own sadistic way of demonstrating how he feels about war brings attention to the point that war, while unruly and cruel, is nothing
There is a lot I hope to be able to learn and take away from this class. Being an economics major I would be interested to learn more in depth about how the state of the economy lead to the antisemitism. I would also like to learn about the lasting effect that the Holocaust had on Germany and America's economy also. Overall I am very excited for this class as this has always been a historical event that has interested
One of my favorite assignments throughout the course was the midterm. I absolutely loved the documentary Half the Sky specifically because it truly opened your eyes to so many transnational issues. Issues that were not isolated to a specific village or city, but problems that were worldwide. The hardest part of the documentary for me to watch personally was the sections discussing human trafficking. China, Cambodia, and Syria are just some of the countries where sex/human trafficking is a predominant issue. People – typically women – are kidnapped, or sold by their families and then sold to brothels to work as prostitutes. Other forms of human
It works to create a positive peace through a transformation of conflict. In 1992, United Nations secretary General Boutros-Ghali released his report titled An Agenda for Peace. This document proposed peace building as “Action to identify and solidify peace in order to avoid relapse into conflict,” (Boutros-Ghali 11). While two sides are still in conflict, there is not a chance for communication between sides. Until violent conflict ceases, the two parties will continue to dehumanize one another and decrease the ability to understand one another. However, conflicts cannot always resolve themselves and outside intervention is sometimes needed to avoid a cycle of revenge, which can be a result. “The problem is a well-known bias in human perception, whereby we inflate the value of the wrongs we suffer, and minimize the value of those we ourselves inflict.” (Santa-Barbara 179). Luckily, there are nations such as Canada, with politicians like Lloyd Axworthy, who created the Canadian peace building initiative in 1996. “The initiative suggested a concern for the multidimensional and integrated causes of civil war and thus acknowledged the need to address the economic, social, and political aspects of reconstruction and reconciliation” (Keating 171).
cuz we all are suffering in this world 4 Problems which are Disease, Old age, Death, and Birth after Birth.
While I think most of this class effected me in a profound way, one of the most significant pieces of class material that effected me was the videos we watched and the articles we read over violence.