
Address To The Swedish Peace In Congress 1909

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What is peace? To me peace is non violence, The act of not killing and solving issues formally in person or on paper. Peace cannot be implemented if we are killing other people and countries and letting our neighbors and love ones die. If we can prevent people dying then what is stopping us? Negative peace is when violence ends. While positive peace is where it ends but brings either a change for the better or is positively impacted. This class covers so much content it was honestly really hard for me to pick out two major strands of the course that I found most interesting. My Opinion is that we should not have to solve our issues by killing. One of my favorite readings was Chapter eight, Address to the Swedish Peace in Congress 1909. I …show more content…

I just found that one of ridiculous things I’ve ever read.Tolstoy made the great point of that, the people fighting in the war are in religions that believe “Thou shalt not kill” but because it’s war and fighting for your country it's not actually the same thing? No, It's exactly the same thing. If “Thou shalt not kill” then war should not exist. Yet no one really understood that concept because no one was ever brave enough to say something about it. Just like the story of the parable of the Emperor’s New Clothes. A king who is naked but no one says anything about it because only brilliant people wear that type of clothing, but then a little boy notices that he's naked and everyone was in shock because now that it's been stated they have to question why is this strong powerful man clothing less? Why are we hurting and killing when all we want is peace? Why has war gone on

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