
Advances And Development Of Tourism : A Literature Of Review

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Advances of Technology in Tourism: A Literature of Review

Technologies have influenced the growth and development of tourism industry in many ways. The issue that will be covered in this literature review is the advances of technology in tourism. The purpose of this literature review will explore the major opportunities for tourism service providers. The literature gathered from a variety of resources in particular areas of Internet and social media, innovation of technology in multimedia and hotel design, and transport technology.
Role of Technology in Tourism
Nowadays, the use of technology has grown rapidly in the world. Technology has come and has improved the mode of transportation and information in recent decades, whereas the opportunities for tourism were seemed very limited far before the 20th century (Murthy,2008). United Nations of World Tourism Organisation (2015) noted that the tourism industry has experienced a continuous and rapid growth during the last six decades, and become the fastest growing economic sector and leading industry in the world. Statista (2013) also found that tourism and travel industry have directly impacted on the global economy, and have contributed 2.2 trillion U.S dollars in 2013 from accommodation, entertainment, attraction and transportation. From this perspective, it can be agreed that high technology has played significant roles in the development of tourism industry. UNWTO Affiliate member (2011) suggested

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