
Adverts R Us Analysis

Decent Essays

I will begin with the commentary “Advertisements R Us”, by Melissa Rubin. I agree, somewhat, that advertising is a way to hook the consumers. Of course, that is how they expect to sell their product. When a company wants to market their product, they will advertise it to appeal to a variety of consumers. They will try to convince the consumers that they must have the product they are marketing. I do agree with the writer that maybe at some point in time, marketing a product was geared towards specific types of consumers. Perhaps, those consumers may have been the only type of people that could afford to spend the money to purchase the product that was being marketed. Back in those days, having a Coca-Cola was a luxury, and most households only had one income. Now-a-days, it is fair game for everyone because we have a more diverse community. More jobs are available to all races and genders, and two-income households are now necessary to make ends meet. According to the writer in the commentary, it sounds like the advertisement was somewhat partial. It does not appear to have people from other ethnic groups. I cannot imagine that Coca-Cola would intentionally leave out specific types of people since they were a popular manufacturer in those days, of course, that is just my opinion. …show more content…

I can definitely relate to always in search of an upgrade (Havrilesky 170). I am currently in that predicament. I have reached a plateau in my current employment, and I am ready for new opportunity. I have been at the same job for over twenty years, and I do not feel as though I am creating value any longer. Pertaining to the statement in the writing, the book “The 4-Hour Work Week” tells us that working the same job for years is for suckers (Havrilesky 170), I guess I am a sucker, and that is why I must move on. My philosophy is, if I am not learning, I am not

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