
Quality Management : Management And Management

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Due to the increasing pace at which life operated, businesses in many industries had become reliant upon creating a quick product, not necessarily evaluating if quick was necessarily going to result positively. Over the last two decades, among various industry lines, it became more commonly understood that quality management may help organizations to repeat work less often, as the initial product or service that was delivered, was of a higher caliber, resulting favorably for the company as well as for the client. Quality management has now become a more regularly used practice throughout all phases of projects, allowing project managers to operate with a clear, defined process, and letting upper management determine if work should stop short for the sake of time, not sacrificing the quality of what has been completed.
Quality Management Explained
CSU-Global (2013) identifies quality management as a way for organizations to develop standards to continually improve processes, procedures, products, and services. Often, these standards are referred to as policies, which are defined, documented objectives that are supported by management, based on principles, and beliefs of an organization (Milosevic, Patanakul, & Srivannaboon, 2010). When quality management is addressed in the planning stages of a project, it is easier to incorporate those standards into the monitoring, controlling, and auditing phases, right from the start.
While most people would think that quality of a

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