
Animal Testing Should Be Banned Essay

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Every year in laboratories, hundreds, upon thousands, upon millions of animals are used, abused, plagued, diseased, and mercilessly killed for testing. On animals, people called, “vivisectors,” test loads of products, such as cosmetics, cleaning chemicals, medicines, warfare supplies, and pesticides on animals. The animals that are most commonly used are rabbits, guinea pigs,and mice, but they also tend to use other animals such as dogs, cats, cattle, swine, chickens, monkeys, reptiles, and many more. Each year inside British laboratories, nearly four million animals are experimented on. Every eight seconds, an animal dies. These animals are sentient beings, that can have emotions like fear, frustration, sadness, and loneliness. These …show more content…

Also, the outcome of the product that has been tested on animals, may differ quite a bit, once it is actually put into action with humans. “Obvious and subtle differences between humans and animals in terms of our physiology, anatomy, and metabolism make it difficult to apply data derived from animal studies to human conditions.” (Matthews, American Anti-Vivisection Association) 92% of experimental drugs that are safe and effective in animals, fail in human clinical trials, because they are either too dangerous, or do not work. Simply because both of these hypotheses have been effectively proven true, there is no way to truly know whether or not we can trust any, much less all,of the medicines that have been tested on animals. We need to stop this, before it is too late.

I personally believe that if we must test a product on animals, we should not use it. Besides, this process is cruel, useless, incompetent, foolish, unwanted, harmful to animal species, and unneeded. Why should we rip an animal’s rights from them, only to benefit us, especially if we do not have to, even more especially if it is not guaranteed work? It is cruel, useless, and just plain stupid to harm one species to, “help,” another. Think about it. Pretend for a moment that you are a vivisector, in one of America’s testing labs. What would do if

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