
Animal Testing Should Not Be Banned

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At this very moment thousands of animals are strapped down in laboratories, being injected, poked, prodded, gassed, and even killed, for humans to be able to use the medicine we have access to today. Whether it is ibuprofen, eye drops, tums, etc. , the majority of medicine nowadays is tested extensively on innocent animals in various ways. Animal welfare acts are in place, but they do not protect animals in the ways they should. More acts and laws should be put into place to protect all animals, not just cats, dogs, monkeys, etc., but all animals. Many small rodents and reptiles are not protected by any acts or laws but they matter too. This type of testing on innocent animals have proven to be unnecessary, due to the creation of different non-animal testing methods that are much more accurate. It has been proven in many instances that the benefits are much greater with other medicinal testing, rather than testing on animals. Some of the tests that are conducted on animals, are not applicable to humans. Even though medical testing on animals is still used for many different products today, it is unethical and should be prohibited due to the lack of proven benefits to humans and the idea that medicine can be tested in other ways.
Medicinal testing on animals has been around for a very long time. This ideology started back around the time when the Roman Catholic Church was in power. The church believed that testing on humans was immoral, so they decided to begin their medical

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