
Apple Has Seen Dramatic Ups And Downs In The Technology

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Apple has seen dramatic ups and downs in the technology market since Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started Apple on April 1st, 1976 (Hill and Jones, Apple in 2008). The current state of Apple is much like we saw it back in 1976, new and providing one of a kind products. Today those product are devices such as the iPhone, IPod, iPad, and the MacBook’s. Apple is dominating in select environments such as in education, a world of digital photography and music. They state on their website under education that they create more a-ha moments. Apple has created power in the use of technology in the classroom, but putting touch, motion, and sound into the lessons. This same technology is at our fingertips on our personal devices, phones, and …show more content…

Apple being the top price point for its products must compete differently than some of the others in the market to pull in consumers willing to pay for the Apple brand and its promises, such as making devices as easy to deploy as they are to use. Apple in today’s market is impacted by the bargaining power of suppliers. The model of providing the “great product strategy” (Cleverism) makes it harder for Apple to risk substitution or use of other strategies that may impact their relationship with established and trusted supply. Due to the 200+ suppliers that contribute to the creation of an Apple product (MacWorld), the threat is low that one would be able to leave and enter the market on their own. But it creates a huge challenge in need to look at new parts and the testing needed to ensure that the part work together can be significate to production if a part fails. The success of the supplier is the success of Apple in creating the quality they promise. The bargaining power of the buyer, our analysis will go a little deeper on this last factor of the 5 of Porter’s Forces and its impact that shapes the competition within the industry. The buyer’s power can come from two abilities to drive the price and profits of Apple’s devices. Consumers can bargain on price or bargain for the quality and services demanded. In today’s market, Apple has the upper hand when

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