
Essay on Approach to Hr Data Collection, Storage and Usage

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Within X data is being collected in a systematic approach of set guidelines. Subsequently stored and made easily available to all relevant people. Reasons why X collets HR data X needs to keep certain information in order to: satisfy legal requirements provide relevant information in decision making and for consultation requirement record contractual arrangements and agreements keep contact details of employees provide documentation in the event of a claim against the organisation The most important reason for collecting the HR data is to meet the legal requirement. In case of Government Department (e.g. Inland Revenue) demanding information on the …show more content…

Time data consist of absences (annual leave, sickness, maternity etc), attendances and time quotas. Employee absence is a significant cost to the business. Therefore, this type of data is mainly used by HR in order to manage absence effectively by accurate measurement and monitoring.

Methods of storing records and its benefits There are two different types of storing data within X: automated and manual. Filling cabinets or reference book/diaries these are manual methods of storing HR records. Traditionally, filing cabinets are an effective tool for document storage as they provide users with visual prompts and tangible information. They are in a way a buck-up for all the automated types of storing data, which can be affected by a virus or an electrical failure. In the purpose of the legal actions employer is obliged to provide the originals of the employment contracts/ accident record books and other personnel records. Otherwise the employer must explain what happened to the original document along with the ‘statement of truth’. The Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) is one of many automated methods of storing records within X. It is a reporting tool integrated with SAP HR that lets you request reports from inside Structural Graphics, which benefits the organisation: better analysis leading to more effective decision making higher accuracy of information/report generated more transparency in the system in higher

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