
Are Perfectionists Are More Prone Or Psychological Distress? Essay

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believe that socially prescribed perfectionists are more prone to psychological distress, show symptoms of moodiness, nervousness, and can be described as touchy or emotional (Pervin, Cervonne, & John, 2005). In regards to extraversion, studies showed that socially prescribed perfectionists to have a negative correlation. This negative correlation signals a relationship among socially prescribed perfectionists and extraversion, but a weaker one than the positive relationship with neuroticism (Stoeber, Corr, Smith, & Saklofske, 2016). Self- oriented perfectionists, and other-oriented perfectionists showed no consistent relationship with extraversion (Stoeber, Corr, Smith, & Saklofske, 2016). This implies that socially prescribed perfectionists are less talkative, less sociable, less enthusiastic, and may show a reduced capacity for joy (Pervin et al., 2005). In regards to openness there were no substantial relationships among any sort of perfectionism. Studies suggest that the Five Factor Model does not play a role in multidimensional perfectionism (Stoeber, Corr, Smith, & Saklofske, 2016). Despite a few singular studies, the majority examination of Hewitt and Flett’s model does not signify any correlation with openness. Suggesting that perfectionists are not less open to experience that non-perfectionists (Stoeber, Corr, Smith, & Saklofske, 2016). As for agreeableness, other-oriented perfectionists showed a substantial negative correlation. This correlation corresponds that

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