
Are Video Games Bad for Children?

Satisfactory Essays

Are video games bad for children? The last decade has witnessed enormous improvements in the gaming industry, resulting in an increase in the number of video gamers, especially children and adolescents [1]. As a result of this huge development, video games, especially the violent ones, have been proven to cause aggressive behavior and lack of emotions and social skills [2]. However, many researches have proven that video games can beneficial for children, because it allows them to experience new cultures and civilizations. However, to have a better comprehension about the influence of video games on younger people, we need to take both views into consideration. In this essay, I will critically discuss the effect of video games on children regarding four main aspects. Paragraph 1, education Nowadays, many people associate video games with bad performance in schools [12]. Therefore, many valuable researches and studies have been done on how video games influence negatively on children and adolescents education. One of these studies found that children who are addicted to video games are more likely to have a lower GPA than other students (Anderson & Dill, 2000. It also stated that playing video games for long hours will lessen the concentration of children, thus they might have difficulties with comprehending school modules and paying attention to teachers. However, According to a recent research conducted by scientists at the university of

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