
Argumentative Essay On Abortion

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Abortion is an ethical and moral issue, which is still very prevalent in our world. This topic has been discussed by many and there are multiple opinions out there for why it should be considered right or wrong, but I am going to explain to you how abortion is a wrongful and immoral act. I am going to do this by first explaining how a fetus is a person from the time they are conceived, therefore they have rights. Second, how God thought of and gave the fetus a plan and a purpose before they came to exist and abortion takes away their future and the impact they could have on our world. Third, I will explain how abortion is the equivalent of legalized murder and if we allow this we are desensitizing people to murder and removing their appreciation for life. Lastly, I will present an objection to my argument. With a topic like abortion, someone might argue the morality of forcing a woman, who has rights, to carry out an unwanted pregnancy is just as immoral as abortion itself. It is important to note, not all of the ideas I present to you are not unique to me, but are ideas I have gained or been exposed to through articles I have previously read or by discussions I have heard throughout my life. There is a controversial idea of whether life begins when the fetus is first conceived, or if the actual beginning of life is later on in the pregnancy. After 18 weeks, you would not only be taking a life, but you would also be causing pain and suffering to the fetus, which is morally wrong. The moment a fetus begins to exist, is when life should be considered to have started. Existence is the equivalent of life because life is defined as “the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death” (Oxford Dictionary). Based on this definition the mere existence of a fetus itself should render it a human being with life because life is not growth itself, but more simply the capacity for growth. A human being with life has rights, so how can we wrongfully take the life of another human being who has the right to life just as much as you or I do? If you take the life of another human being outside of the womb it is considered murder, but for some reason when you take

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