First, I always wondered why community colleges are not free for students. Then after researching for my sex offenders’ case law class, I came across this fact. Most states have laws regarding maximum ages gap to which education must be offered free of charge. The report says 20 states are 19-years-old (including New Jersey), 29 states are 21-years-old, and Texas the age for free schooling is 26-years-old. So in place the No Child Left Behind Act and now the newly signed Elementary and Secondary Education Act will better students college, but yet college is not free? Even the U.S. Department of Education’s website says on the bottom of the page, “Our mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering
College should be free, because low income families have college ready kids. Still the kids don’t go to college, there must be something stopping these kids. The percent of people who are 25 and over that had some college is only 58.57%. These numbers decrease as the amount of college increases, this fact is very disappointing. 62% percent of people said they didn’t go to college because they thought that it was ridiculous to even think about the cost. This is so sad, to think that the people are scared to further their education because of the lifetime
In the United States of America, the public school grades of kindergarten through senior year of high school are free to all students no matter how many times they repeat that education. This is 12 years of basically mandatory education in background areas that will probably be of no use to you on your choice of career path, but merely sets up a base for further learning. So why does this not also apply to college or at the very least community college, where you study your intended path and what you are interested in? There are many theories as to why college should or should not be free for all Americans seeking to better themselves and their educational path. College should be free for those who wish to seek a higher education beyond high
In the short article “As He Promotes It, Some Question Obama’s Free Community College Idea” by Joanne Jacobs, is about why making community college free can be a problem and why it can also be a benefit to many people. Community College tuition can be very expensive and many people might not have the money for it. Making community college free can be a good thing for those who can’t and can afford college. Community College shouldn’t be something we have to pay for and should be free. If Community College would be free it would be great opportunity for many people.
If you were to ask the seniors in my class what their plans are after high school, a majority of them will tell you college. Some will attend UCs, others CSUs, and some will attend community college.Some attend community college because their legal status hinders them to attend a four year university right away, but at community colleges that is not the case. As an AB540 student living in California, going to college is already an obstacle that has had some relief, California allows undocumented students to receive state aid and loans, one form of this type of aid is the BOG fee waiver, making students in financial need to have a tuition free community college experience. Most states already
The debate of whether community college should be free or not has been going on for many years. For the most part, many students have been able to have free education even if the are low income or high income. Most students are able to have equal educational opportunity to be able to learn for around 12 years. If it has been going on for 12 years, then why not make higher education free as well. In the article written by Joanne Jacobs titled, “As He Promotes It, Some Question Obama’s Free Community College Idea” discusses the main arguments on whether Obama’s plan of making community college free plan can be a benefit or a waste of money. Community college offers the ability to be able to finish one’s first 2 years of their general general education plan at a free or reduced price compared to completing general ed a a 4 year institution. Community college should be free because it allows lower income students the ability to have their tuition paid as well as their books and it allows students to be able to earn their bachelor's at a better rate.
Why Community college should not be free There are many reasons community college should not be free. First of all, if community college is free for two years commitment levels of students will drop. Also there will be less money for facilities.
Now, I am not saying that it should be free because I don’t want to pay. I saying that it should be free because not many people can afford the tuition or how much it cost to get into the community college. Some community college costs high and some cost low but the college board explained “...tuition at community colleges averages $3,347 per year, according to the College Board. That’s more than covered by the $5,730 that low-income students can receive per academic year in a Pell Grant, the principal form of federal financial aid.”
It becomes a major controversy when the idea of something being “free” is brought up in this economy. Money is what operates the economical system and it’s the factor that leads colleges in providing resources for their students. President Obama’s idea of having community college be free leaves many skeptical on whether it can be beneficial, or in some ways hurtful. However, there are upsides to allowing community college to be free. Community College should be free because it will cause a diversity of students to attend, allow students to save money, and offer an opportunity for those who aspire to continue their education.
Community college should be free for all students who want to attend school. There should be a set of rules applied to those that would take advantage of this privilege. In the United States, there are not very many programs that offer the opportunity for students to attend free colleges like other countries have. Some examples of the countries are Norway, Finland, Sweden, Germany and France. The U.S. does have some programs that offer free tuition. For example Tennessee offers free tuition to students. The Tennessee Promise is a scholarship program that pays for your community college so you can go there tuition free. Another program is the Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) in New York at the City University of New York. Community colleges should be free because it would not only attract more students, but would help students to focus more on school rather than thinking about how they are going to pay for their education. However, we need guidelines for applicants to attend such as maintaining a high GPA, giving back through community services hours, and other rules and guidelines to attract students that would continue to excel in their education and not waste the opportunity given to them to work towards a good career and give back.
Should college be free or is it good the way it is? This is one of the most debatable questions of this generation. Like every other thing it would also have its pros and cons. Many say that it would greatly help a country while others say that nothing is truly free and someone must pay for it. However the growth of a country’s economy over the long run is miles more than the loose in the short term. So in my opinion College should be free for everyone.
Imagine a world where college was completely free. Tuition is completely paid for, no book fees, housing fees, everything is one-hundred percent paid for by the government. Unfortunately, the only downfall to that is that the people fund the government. Taxpayers, which should be almost all of America, are the ones who give the government the money to do every day necessities. The government will not be able to afford to pay for every student to have free college on their own, all of that money will have to come from us, the people. This means that college really isn't free. The government should not pay for everyone's college because it is unfair to those who can easily afford it, taxes will go through the roof, and will inhibit a lesser education if it is free for everyone.
If college was free students would have to want to continue their education and get a degree. While free would make college affordable, those receiving the benefit would need to have stipulations for the free classes they are attending. Michael J. Petrilli is the president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute and research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. Petrilli states, “… just 40 percent of 12th graders are college-ready, even though nearly 70 percent already head straight into college.” He is correct that many high school graduates are not prepared to transition to college. Many don’t have the attention span to sit in longer classes. Students are used not study over a time period, but rather cram the night before the due assignment. Some stipulations would be; you have to finish and get a degree, you have to keep your GPA up, and if you drop out without a good reason you have to pay back the money you used.
Community colleges are meant to be largely funded by tuition localities and states. However, as reported by the Washington Post, this is not the case in Florida (Danielle 2016). In 2008, the counties offered no support to the community colleges because of the financial crisis. This has changed over the past few years, though very little funding is still given to the community colleges by the counties. Since community colleges are meant to offer opportunities to people who cannot continue with higher education, the needs of these students may be higher than the funding that the county offers for tuition. As a result, the community colleges are divided into bronze, silver and gold schools. The largest share is allocated to the gold schools whereas the silver and bronze receive smaller shares or none at all for the bronze schools.
In Panoliopolis, only 52 percent of citizens graduate college with a Bachelor's degree or higher. Our literacy rate is just 91%, and many people with lower educations, and in turn lower incomes have resorted to theft, leaving our city with a distressing crime rate of 38%. Most fortunately there is a way to downsize these problems. The Free community College which we have proposed can simultaneously work to improve all of these statistics through its attempt at assisting our community in secondary education.
There have been many debates whether college should be free? This has been getting a lot of debate over the years in politics and media. The one reason that college should be free is that it would give the opportunity to those teens that are not financially able to go because they can't afford it. There are parents that are living paycheck by paycheck every week so they can't put a little money aside for school. In an online article by Hunter Throndsen he states “By making college free, people who couldn't afford to go to college would be able to go. If you are able to succeed and pass classes in college, then you should be allowed to do just that regardless