Table of Contents
Case Background 2
Key Findings 2
Recommendations 4
References 5
Case Background
Established in 2004, BBC Pvt. Ltd. was an Indian chemical manufacturing company that primarily manufactures stable bleaching powder. It should be noted that stable bleaching powder could be manufactured through two different techniques: adsorption or absorption. By using adsorption, this means that BBC’s product was of an inferior quality compared to the products of its competitors. However, the use of adsorption allowed the company to enjoy a favorable market share, and due to the cost advantage, BBC was able to pass on lower prices to its customers. Currently, BBC is
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The inventor at BBC is categorized into three main groups: raw materials, finished goods, and packing materials. With increase of total inventory by almost 85% from 2009 to 2011, it is obvious that BBC is holding more than they are selling. BBC utilizes FIFO when dealing with inventory.
Credit periods on loans fluctuated between 15 days to two years, with the largest amount owed at NIR 4million. With their AR Turnover ratio (net credit sales divided by the average AR) between 2.9 and 3.2, it means that they are overly lenient with the debtors when it comes to collecting.
BBC normally repays debt too quickly, thus, affecting the company’s liquidity. Since they paid the debts so quickly, they used the liquid cash that could have reinvested or saved.
The RI contract will also act as a gateway for BBC to become a preferred seller of bleaching powder for other major companies in the railway industry.
Requirements of the RI contract:
An onsite office
A warehouse
A workshop within the BBC factory premises
Quarterly onsite inspections before any product were dispatched to IR.
Price requirements for the RI contract (in INR)
200,000 – To build an IR office
Additional Admin expenses – To manage the IR office
500,000 – Build a new warehouse to store inventory
500,000 – Build a workshop in the BBC factory for IR Recommendations
It should be noted that all recommendations are based off the 2011, 2010, and 2009 information provided by the case
These are often for local newspaper ads. The downside to the supplier is that their competitor may also offer an advertising allowance and receive a more desirable location within the ad. This is something that would have to be clearly negotiated.
Lau, T., & Johnson, L. (2013). The legal and ethical environment of business. (1st ed., p. 11.2-11.5).
Embrace new technologies to improve efficiency, maintain environmental stewardship through green practices and sustainable operations, support continuous improvement of the business processes, develop employees’ capability, and provide excellent customer services.” (Hillsborough County, 2015)
| The business itself does not retain any profits. 100% of profits remain with the owner and is considered personal income.
After reviewing the Balance sheet I have a concern regarding the Current and short term liabilities. Creditors/ trade payable is payment yet to be made for goods already received, if this continues to rise then it will effect the business profit and less stock will have to be ordered so repayments can be made. Bank overdrafts also continued to rise and in the long-term the business will be paying greater interest, which will again eat into the profit. Both increased quite a great deal from the last year-end. If this continues then the business will get into bad debts and owe too much that it will end up having to sale its assets to survive. Finally I can see that due to the above issues and other issues the net current assets/ working capital has decreased so therefore the business is less value then it was a year ago. If the business is worth £1 million now, this could soon decrease within another year.
In September of 2012, beginning in the country of Saudi Arabia, hospitals began seeing increased cases of a respiratory virus never before seen in humans. They named it Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS. MERS is a viral respiratory illness caused by the coronavirus. It was originally thought to have started there in Saudi Arabia. It was not until later that they were able to trace the origin back to Jordan starting in April of 2012. All outbreaks of MERS have been traced back to originating from the Arabian Peninsula (CDC, 2015a). Unfortunately, it is not known exactly how MERS was contracted in humans, but it is believed to have come from an animal source, probably from camels. Strains of MERS
Florence Nightingale, considered the founder of modern nursing, first began to establish nursing as a profession during the Crimean War. Since then, nursing theorists have continued to expand on the thought that patients are made up of more than just the symptoms they present with, Abraham Maslow, Carl Jung, Dr. Larry Dossey and Dorothy Johnson, but none more so than Jean Watson. She developed a theory of human caring that contained several core concepts, these concepts lay forth the ground work for how we, as nurses, should care for a patient. These concepts included transpersonal caring relationships (going beyond ego to higher “spiritual” caring
Nestled in Southern Indiana just west of Louisville, Kentucky and south of Indianapolis, Indiana is Dubois County, Indiana. Dubois County is comprised of the towns of Birdseye, Ferdinand, Holland, Huntingburg and Jasper. Of those towns, Jasper is the largest and is the county seat (Kelly School of Business, 2014). Over fifty-two percent of the population consists of adults ranging from 25-64 years of age (Kelly School of Business, 2014). The leading cause of mortality in this county is heart disease, cancer, suicide and injuries (Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center & Dubois County Health Department, 2011).
The manager will need to ensure that they have the correct level of rapport with their employee. Too familiar in nature may be misconstrued as forward and harassing in the wrong context. However no personal rapport whatsoever may provide the receiver of the information with the impression that the sender of the information is just not interested. A fine line must be weighed up for each individual. When a good rapport has been achieved, then the person will uncritically accept suggestion or advice which they are given.
The first of the two stories I chose to compare and contrast is titled “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson and the second story is titled “The Rocking-Horse Winner” by D.H. Lawrence. I will compare each of their themes, characters, and plot developments in which they are both similar and different. One of the strongest comparison would be that both stories deal with the subject of luck in one sense or another. The Lottery being considered a game of chance in which luck plays an important factor in being the chosen winner but Luck in the Lottery has a different twist of fate because the winner of the Lottery is actually the
This problem is in reference to students who may or may not take advantage of the
“Assess own leadership behaviours and potential in the context of a particular leadership model and own organisation’s working practices and culture using feedback from others”
The Social Model of disability came about through the disability movement and other organisation campaigning for equal rights, opportunities and choices for disabled people. The social model of disability recognises that any problem of disability are created by society and its institution and that The Discrimination Acts are tools to help to improve the response of society to disability, also a wheel chair user is not hampered by their disability but by lack of adequate access to buildings. The social model may impact upon our practise as we would provide inclusive environments as a starting point for all children. The Scope website stated ‘The social model of disability says that disability is caused by the way
Hicks, Jennifer. “Overview of the Lottery.” Chattanooga State. Detroit: Gale, 2002. From Literature Resource Center.
“Skimming=Reading quickly for gist of a passage. A typical skimming task would be a general question from the teacher...” (Learning Teaching, Third edition 2005, Jims Scrivener, Macmillan)