
Background And Organizational Culture Of Vds Nsw

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In order to compete the first assessment for Communication Practice Project, which requires an investigation of a different aspect of the context of a group/organization, and identify a communication issue related to the theme of community, the organization Vietnamese Dynamic Students in New South Wales (VDS-NSW) has been chosen to examine. The president of the VDS has been interviewed to explore thoroughly VDS’s structure, activities and problems. This paper will assess the background and organizational culture of VDS-NSW and highlight the community engagement issue the organization is facing.

1. Background and description of VDS-NSW:
Established in 1997, Vietnamese Dynamic Student organisation (VDS) is a non-profit and student-run organisation. VDS target is to support and provide benefits for the community of Vietnamese overseas students and alumni in New South Wales, Australia. The main aim of VDS activities is to achieve more partnership, understanding and cooperation between wider communities in Australia and Vietnam. As a part of Vietnamese community in Australia, VDS intends to serve Vietnamese overseas students and alumni in NSW as well as the Vietnamese and Australian communities. VDS attempts to build an organisation with unity and creativity of members and volunteers to supports Vietnamese overseas students and alumni community who are studying and thriving in Australia and are making positive contributions to Vietnam.

Over the years, VDS has been seen as a

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