BAU Business-as-usual
BEC Building Energy Code
CAD Canadian Dollars
CCC Climate Change Commission
CDM Conservation and Demand Management
CECO Certified Energy Conservation Officer
CEM Certified Energy Manager
CO2e Carbon dioxide equivalent
DOE Department of Energy
DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways
DSM Demand-side Management
ECO Environmental Commissioner of Ontario
EEC Energy Efficiency and Conservation
EPIRA Electric Power Industry Reform Act
ERC Energy Regulatory Commission
GEA Green Energy Act
GEGEA Green Energy and Green Economy Act
GHG Greenhouse Gas
GDP Gross Domestic Product
HB House Bill
IEA International Energy Agency
IESO Independent Electricity System Operator
LDC Local Distribution Company
LTEP Long-term Energy
In 2007, Canada’s industries saved 2.1 billion U.S. dollars of energy costs (2007). All these numbers show Canada’s efforts in general public utilities.
The Government of Canada has been a partner of Clean Energy BC in the past, especially through New Relationship Trust. CEBC is
The most important thing to know about the DND’s Environment Department is that it lacks funding because, when it comes to the Canadian Government, it is not of main concern. The Canadian Government is focused too much on short term issues and not focused enough on long term issues such as
BC Hydro is a provincial Crown corporation and one of the largest electric utilities in Canada. It is owned by the B.C. government and the people of B.C. Victoria Gas Company was founded in 1860, starting the B.C. Hydro legacy. There mandate is to generate, purchase, distribute and sell electricity (Regulatory Information, 2017). Over the next twenty years, electricity demand will continue to grow by approximately 40 per cent. Therefore, BC Hydro is proposing the Site C project. The Site C project is favorable to our society because it is beneficial to the British Columbia (BC) economy, it is the most efficient option to improve electricity supply and it has the least environmental effect.
Manitoba Hydro is Manitoba’s major energy utility provider, serving 561,869 electric customers and 274,817 natural gas customers throughout the province (2). Manitoba Hydro provides services that run from exporting electricity worldwide, to providing customers with tips on how to save money on their electricity bills. Hydro provides services such as Power Smart technologies, which help to reduce a client 's energy consumption while reducing their environmental impact. Manitoba Hydro is a large believer in protecting the environment. Environmental protection was seen with their large-scale capital projects such as environmental protection and monitoring programs, climate change initiatives, energy efficiency initiatives, and environmental research and development (2). Manitoba Hydro became a crown corporation in 1961 through the Manitoba Hydro Act; the utility was governed by the Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board (17). Manitoba Hydro controlled the gas and electric consumptions within Manitoba except Winnipeg Hydro. In 2002, an acquisition occurred meaning that Manitoba Hydro now owns Winnipeg Hydro. Today Manitoba Hydro is a major energy utility providing the lowest electricity rates in Canada. We operate 15 hydroelectric facilities on the Saskatchewan, Winnipeg, Burntwood, Laurie and Nelson rivers, two thermal and four diesel generating stations (1).
My individual seminar paper is written on EDF Energy. This is one of UK’s largest energy companies and its large producer of low carbon electricity. They generate around one fifth of the UK’s electricity. They supply electricity and gas to around 5.5 million residential and business customers, making them the biggest supplier of electricity by volume.
Project: Alternative Energy Organization: City of Seattle, Washington Requestor/Sponsor: MAYORS NAME City of Seattle Mayor
The SOP encourages the development of clean energy projects throughout B.C., as set out in the 2007 BC Energy Plan and the 2010 Clean Energy Act. The commitment to future opportunities was also emphasized in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between CEBC, BC Hydro, and the Provincial government. The MOU recognizes the importance of securing economic opportunities for First Nations and the role all parties, including the independent power sector, must have in enabling these opportunities to be realized. At the time, BC Ministry of Mines and Energy spokesperson David Haslam stated:
Canada is one of the biggest energy producer in the world. Currently Canada is ranked 5th in regards to its production of energy in the world. Canada’s energy policy, should revolve around the natural resources and their optimum use to produce cheap and clean energy, which should be environmental friendly. Our policy should be beneficial for all the Canadians living in different parts of the country and that the policy should not discriminate among the provinces. Canada is also the biggest consumer of the energy in the world, as it consume most of energy per capita because of the extreme weather conditions that it face. We need to keep ourselves warm and need to transport goods and people from one place to another. Canada 's energy policy should be sound and aggressive and be comprehensive. Generally world energy is produced using the fossil fuel, whereas in Canada we have adequate alternative energy resources such as wind power, tidal power, solar energy, hydro power and nuclear energy. Our energy policy should be developed to explore these resources.
These goals support the Canadian Federal Government targets set in 2012, allowing Nova Scotia 7.5 million tonnes of CO_2 emissions by 2020 (a 25% reduction from 2007 levels) and 4.5 million tonnes by 2030 (a 40%
The reason this question has to be answered is simple, Canada sits at a very important junction in its evolution; does it continue to push forward to become an energy superpower or does it let the environmental conversation win, pushing forward instead with a clean energy agenda? This essay will hopefully drive this conversation forward.
While this is a main concern which has yet to rise to the forefront of the media, another such concern is the lack of Utilities Commission review mandatory by law. For approximately the last 37 years since its establishment the Utilities Commission has been an important independent oversight that was formed to prevent any government or politician to dictate the operations of utilities for political consideration. Its sole responsibility is to protect BC taxpayers from the greed of politicians teamed with corporations. And yet, despite its creation the Site C project was able to bypass the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) by conducting a Joint Review Panel that took 9 months to complete which did not look at the environmental, social and First Nations impacts. 370 scholars and scientist deemed the decision to forge ahead without such a review was an “unprecedented imposition of numerous significant adverse environmental effects” (Ducklow, 2017). The BC Liberals stand by their decisions to make exceptions in their favour, with no research or studies to back up
Despite its well-known Economic Action Plan and its continued emphasis on the need for more jobs and growth, it is still quite disturbing that the Canadian government gave a cold shoulder to environmental concerns in its 2014 budget. However, what has become clear in the last few years is that Canada is not committed to fighting climate change. In truth, it is not Canada that is uncommitted to the climate change cause. It is its Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, who is blocking all efforts to put Canada at the forefront of climate change efforts . And Canada should be leading climate change initiatives because it is one of the largest emitters in the world, and it is also a rich
Ontario has its own creative and effective strategies to combat climate change. One of Ontario’s goal is a low-carbon future. To accomplish this the province started making carbon reductions in 1990 and are on track to reduce carbon emissions by 15% in 2020, 37 per cent in 2030 and 80 per cent in 2050 (Climate Change Action Plan, 2017). Ontario’s target of reducing emissions by 6% was met on schedule in 2014 (Climate Change Action Plan, 2017). One of the reasons this has been made possible is because of Ontario’s investment in carbon reduction. For example, in 2015 Ontario committed $325-million payment to Ontario’s Green Investment Fund to support programs that help households and businesses implement
In the United States, a topic for debate is the energy crisis. The issue is that the United States’ current, most widely used energy sources, fossil fuels, is harmful to the environment. So as to not harm the environment, many people have made the switch to solar or wind energy, thinking that as long as they don’t use fossil fuels they are doing the environment a favor. However, no matter the energy source for use on a large scale, it is going to have its own unique issues. There are a number of energy alternatives within the United States. The two sides to the argument are renewables, such as wind and solar energy (the two most popular) versus fossil fuels, such as