Who am I? At this point in my life I really only participate in three groups. My family, my work and my school. I do not currently choose not to participate in social circles as my family, work and school dominate the majority of my time and I dedicate the rest of my time to personal activities that are typically solo activities. My primary group and function is my family. In my family primarily I am in a position of responsibility and leadership. As a husband and father of three boys I am primarily an expressive leader with the occasional need to be an instrumental leader. As the instrumental leader I challenge my boys and set goals for them to attempt to achieve. More importantly and more often I am the expressive leader. Even in the goals …show more content…
I originally had a two year commit and then was recalled off Inactive Ready Reserve for Desert Storm after I had been out for a year. However, to this day that brief time continues to have an impact on who I am in many facets of my life. The resocialization was intense. The military is a coercive organization. What is acceptable in civilian life is not acceptable in military life. Most all deviant behavior is corrected with formal sanctions. Conforming is mandatory, expected and is the social norm. The leadership is style is almost always as of an authoritarian and instrumental leader and very rarely is an expressive leadership style shown. It is typically referred out to a chaplain or other outlet so as to keep the structure, discipline and separation of leader and subordinate clear and distinct. When one promotes within the military added responsibility and leadership is granted. For me the role of leader was new as previously I had learned through experience to conform to group norms to quickly fit in and rarely assumed a leadership role. However, in the military they want leaders. They promote from within and the roles are given in increments and added upon your successes. I quickly found I loved being in charge and could quickly and easily motivate people in a positive manner through setting examples and explaining the goals instead of just demanding. That experience showed me that I could combine being an instrumental leader in setting goals and an expressive leader in understanding the needs of individuals I have spent the time to come to know and connect with. Using that knowledge and information to inspire groups and individuals to meet goals and how those goals help advance the group and individual. Since leaving the military every job I have had has lead me into a management role even if I start at the bottom rung of the ladder I quickly become a leader. I believe most people naturally
What does it take to be an effective leader in today’s fast paced and ever changing world?
I find the statement “The effective leader today must be a director and motivator, implementer and innovator, mentor and team builder, expert and moral force, organizer and developer of people” (2015, p.61), to be both accurate and realistic. One reason I believe this to be the case is because of the number of individuals who have been able to facilitate these roles on their way to being considered successful leaders. One example being Vince Lambardi. While the story told of him in textbooks by Willie Davis primarily spoke of his motivating skills, he is a renowned leader (2015, p.30).
Leading change within an organization and building a shared vision are essential elements in becoming an effective leader. Change and the adaptation of, is a vital part of everyday life and job function that can be viewed as ambiguous not only to the ones the change is affecting, but also by those implementing the change itself. An effective leader is able to develop the most effective way to implement such a change, and communicate the necessity of the change to all involved in the implementation. I have personal experience in determining what changes should be made for the operational integrity of the air traffic system, and experience in the implemenation of the changes.
A company can only be successful if it comprised of leaders that are efficient and effective and what they do. If there is a leader who does not care for the company or their employees, the company is most likely going to fail. Therefore, a good company leader is someone who is able to have an even ground when it comes to the company, but also to their employees. Therefore, companies need leaders who are able to connect with their employees and are also able to set an example for the employees to follow. I work at Tuesday Morning, which a smaller chain store that basically sells items that stores have an abundance of. We have a wide variety of items and the stores and have to constantly change the store layout. Recently the head managers
As I reflect back on this week reading lecture, PowerPoint, discussion, mycounselinglab and webinar, I learned that group leaders have to take a lot of things into consideration before starting a group. In order to be an effective group leader, I would need to determine what type of group I would want to lead. Also, I learned what should happen doing each stages of group development. Furthermore, I learned that curative factors can help improve group counseling.
Leadership is a process which delivers a position of power held by an individual, this authority enables him to mobilise and direct the team efforts towards its goals.
Every leader is an effective leader whether they are good or bad. To become a leader means that you have a lot of responsibilities. People have to depend on you to take care these responsibilities. being a leader comes with hard decisions, but it’s your responsibility to make those decisions and to make them effectively. If people depend on you to make decisions good or bad you are a leader. Three people that are effective leaders are Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey and Martin Luther King Jr..
I am simply a girl, a girl who has had the love and support of a wonderful mom and dad, who has found a voice in my theater class and blossomed on stage over the past three years, a friend, a silent leader, and an ambitious young lady who knows that I am going to achieve great things as I grow and mature in this life.
My philosophy is based off of my experience and upbringing. I care about what I’ve been through and where I am from. I care about your experiences and where you are from. The hope is, that despite the differences, we can come together and complete the mission. And that is ultimately what is important – the mission. Everything will come back to this and I will ask, “How does it affect the mission?” I believe that relationships are key to the job that we do as Soldiers. We take care of the Soldiers below us and above us. We need others to help us to accomplish the mission. Very rarely can we accomplish a task without the help of others. I challenge you to nurture those relationships. Look for ways to develop
Having a knowledge and effective leader in an organization is highly important because the way the leader leads will determine the outcome of the business. The person I believe who is successful at leading and implementing change will be my current supervisor Mr. William Kizer. Although Mr. Kizer is relatively young, he has the education and experience that aids him in his leadership qualities. William encourages and support his team, he gives feedback and also listens to suggestions and implements suggestions made from the group unlike other leaders who only implements their suggestions. Our unit finds placement for children that having difficulties being placed in foster care or a group home. Since the nature of the job can be so stressful, Mr. Kizer, makes sure that there is a balance between family time and work time. He is also capable of filling in for any staff member when they are out. That in itself is a good attribute of a leader. I have worked in departments before where my past supervisors did not know how to complete my job. In addition, Mr. Kizer takes his team out on a retreat quarterly so that we can be revived. He possess the qualities of a good listener, he is responsible and has effective communication. Those three qualities helps him guiding his team to success. According Kotter (2005), Great leaders get others to move in a direction that is sensible for themselves,
After taking the assessment, to my surprise, my score was a thirty-three. The evaluation stated that between twenty-eight and thirty-six, is very good, my effectiveness as a leader is high (Manning & Curtis, 2012).My initial reaction to the score, I was somewhat surprised by more score, but the questions made you think about your skills and what it is that you do on your day to day already. Which is a lot of helping others to achieve his or her goals as well as to becoming successful. In reviewing some of the questions in the assessment, it helped me to think about what it is that I want to do in my career. I also think it helped me to understand more of myself. I know I have the skills to be a leader one day, but before when I first started
There are multiple leadership styles and approaches to being an exceptional leader. Leadership has several functions, but honest behavior versus dishonest behavior has its rewards and consequences. A leader needs to possess the integrity to be effective for the long term in the corporate atmosphere. The market conditions create ethical difficulties and create hurdles for leaders throughout decision making. In the given synopsis, the AIG Company had guaranteed to pay bonuses to executives. But the financial circumstances had negatively affected the business. Therefore, it would be impracticable to give bonuses due to the economic crisis in the firm. Despite leaders arguing that bonuses should be paid based on the commitment established by the
There are always chances and possibilities to become a good leader regardless the odds against you, gender, age, race, education, previous experience, etc. This paper defines what leadership is and it explains the relationship between leadership and influence. It also highlights the importance of finding opportunities to develop skills and creating strong to become a good leader. It is also emphasized the power of influence that comes from motivating your team, to improve performance and satisfaction and that setting a clear goal is mandatory for good leadership. The conclusion summarizes all the topics under discussion.
Regardless of what type of leader you may be, an effective and successful leader must have personal power and be able to influence others to support his vision or carryout the mission of the school or business. Great leaders possess great communication skills, techniques, and tactics to positively motivate, inspire, and persuade others to join their work. After reading about the works of Robert B. Cialdini and his six principles of persuasion and Gary Yuki’s research on power and influence, although synonymous, influence and persuasion have slight variations in connotation. Influence is a mechanism derived from using one’s power while persuasion comes from knowing one’s motivation factors. Influence is what you have or who you are that impacts the message you are giving. Persuasion is a process that enables you to change or reinforce one’s attitude, belief, opinion, or behavior toward a predetermined outcome. Knowing what influence and persuasion are and how to use them effectively and positively with your employees will be essential in creating a great team and accomplishing the goal at hand.
What would one call successful leadership, would it be controlling others around you, or having followers who believe in their leader. The quote that Successful leadership is having followers who believe in the leader, will be analysed through this essay. Piece by piece you will find that leadership is not only about taking a stand, not only about controlling others but by having the support of everyone around you to believe in what you are leading. Through theories and thoughts of professionals, this quote will become unpacked and the true meaning of a successful leadership revealed.