
How Can You Become A Better Leader?

Better Essays

In this website, you will be able to find information about how you can become a better leader in relevance to the subject of organizing. On this website, you will be able to learn in great detail about 3 different lessons which are all related to the topic of organizing. Along with this, you will also be able to view a case study done on a business which is based around challenges that the organization faces in terms of organizing. Elemental Inc. Currently at Element Inc., there are many problems that need to be resolved, in order to prevent our talented employees from leaving our company. As one of the current leaders of the Human Resources department of the company, I have a few suggestions I’d like to make in order to help our company reach success and eliminate this problem. The issue we have at hand is that, all of our highly-talented employees are leaving to work for other companies. Since we are such a small business, we cannot afford to lose our talented employees. With each employee we lose, we must replace. This leads to many costs related to finding replacements and overall, this causes a disruption to occur in the company. Due to Elemental Inc. being a particularly small business, the employees we have trained become captivated by larger businesses as they lure them in by offering “more” benefits at work. We must make a change as soon as possible as this problem has been occurring for many years, and the loss of valuable employees is becoming a huge hassle

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