
Benefits And Methods Of Effective Classroom Management

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Benefits and Methods of Effective Classroom Management According to a survey done in the 2011-2012 school year by the National Center for Education Statistics, only 38% of teachers felt somewhat prepared to handle classroom management and student discipline in their first year of teaching. Turnover rates for new teachers in the United States are between 30 and 50 percent within the first five years according to Cooper and Alvarado (2006) and part of this turnover rate is attributed to non-effective classroom management. What teachers do in the classroom have two times the effect on student achievement and one of the most important things they do is managing classrooms. (Marzano, 2003) Classroom management can be defined as the techniques that a teacher may use to keep control of the classroom, keep disruptions down and keep the students academically attentive. (Emmer & Stough, 2001) Research suggests that effective classroom management is essential for a successful school year for both teachers and students, and by implementing certain classroom management techniques it can lead to more student cooperation and success, and less student behavioral disruptions and teacher burnout. There are many classroom management techniques that teachers can be used in the classroom that has proven to be effective for most students. The first most important technique of classroom management is to make sure that classroom rules and procedures are established on the first day with both

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