
Benefits Of Eating Food In The Classroom

Satisfactory Essays

Some people believe that allowing food in the classroom is a distraction. The benefits to allowing students to eat in class, however, far outweigh the negative consequences. For example, hunger is a common cause for distraction in the classroom. Allowing students to eat can help them stay focused and clear minded as well as raise low blood sugar and stimulate brain activity. Creating a set aside snack time can greatly influence a students' attention span. Undoubtedly, eating food in the classroom during regular periods can sometimes create a negative impact on other students in the room. For example, if someone were to bring one dozen cookies into the classroom to munch on, other kids might ask to have one which can cause non-stop talking and cookie crumbs all over the floor. However, if food is a prize for a game or activity in the class, it gives initiative to students to study so that they can get food during that specific class. For review in English class my teacher, Mrs. Schrader, gives out different kinds of chocolate and candy to the students who answer the questions correctly. This idea is great for motivating students to study for the review game so they can get these wonderful treats. Ideas like these can completely transform the students' way of thinking about studying and learning in general. If the students can look forward to the candy or snacks when they come into the classroom, it can excite them and help them to pass their test. Doing that will keep

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