
Birth Defects Of Babies Are Serious Functional Or Structural Abnormalities

Decent Essays

Birth defects in babies are serious functional or structural abnormalities that are present at birth in 3%(“approximately 120,000”(Simeone 1104) ) of infants in the United States each year. There are quite a few different types of defects that you may not even be able to see on the infant at first. It could be something developmental that will only get worse as they get older. If you believe that birth defects are only caused by women doing illegal drugs and drinking while pregnant, you’re wrong. It could be a complete genetic disorder that the baby has inherited or a chromosome problem where the baby is missing even just a part or a whole chromosome and in some cases gains an extra. Sometimes before the baby, is born you are able to do …show more content…

It could be very mild and be solved with therapy, or there are some extreme cases that need surgery as soon as the child is born. Spina Bifida is another common structural defect that is very serious and it messes with spine. There is a three different types of spina bifida; the first type is Myelomeningocele which is where the baby 's spine doesn’t completely close. “With this condition, a sac of fluid comes through an opening in the baby’s back. Part of the spinal cord and nerves are in this sac and are damaged. This type of spina bifida causes moderate to severe disabilities.” (CDC) The next type is meningocele this has some similarities to the first type with the sac but with this the spine isn’t in the sac, this type will only have some minor disabilities. The final type is Spina Bifida Occulta which is the more mild out of the three. This is where there is only a small gap in the baby’s back with no sac. This is harder to find in infants usually is isn’t even discovered until people are young adults, not many disabilities are caused by this type. There is not only common structural defects, but also developmental or functional defects. A well known type that affects the nervous system is Down Syndrome. This is when people either have an extra piece on a chromosome or they have a whole extra chromosome number 21. “It is the most common chromosomal cause of mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. People

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