
Bureaucratic Leadership Vs. Post Bureaucracy

Decent Essays

Bureaucratic leadership in the last century dominated and then downturned, but it’s not meaning that has been removed completely at the ends of the last century. It’s continual to develop further to become the post-bureaucratic practices in leadership (Clegg and Courpasson, 2004). These practices are hybridization, which is refurbished by bureaucracy. They are also the mixture of Weberian ideal-type with principles of democratic leadership (Clegg and Courpasson, 2004). In this essay, I’ll begin with argument of post-bureaucratic leadership of Hedlund (1994) as well as outline the changes and make a comparison between bureaucracy and post-bureaucracy. Besides, I’m also going to discuss about trust management under post-bureaucratic environment by theories of Alvesson and Thompson (2004), Dingwall and Strangleman (2004), and Den Hartog (2003). Next, I’ll talk about the trait theory and analyze the Rosen’s case to make clear about the bureaucratic procedures in this style. After that, I’m also getting back the past to discuss about transactional leadership style and then analyze the servant leadership to see the differences in this leadership style. Finally, I’ll draw my arguments about the authentic leadership, which is potentially to develop in post-bureaucratic era.
As argued by Hedlund (1994), the practice of post-bureaucratic in leadership could be defined as an overall picture, which is decentralized by the coherence of crosscutting networks in different types. And the

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