
Business Analysis of Apple Company

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Apple Inc is an American system company which combined with design and innovative technology, selling consumers electronic, computer software and personal computer. The Macintosh line of computer, ipod, iphone, and ipad are most well-known hardware products of this company. Software in this company is including Mac OS, itune, ilife, iwork, aperture, ios, final art studio, logical studio and safari. Apple as an admirable company with high revenue and high profit has been evaluated as a valuable company in the United State in 2008 by Fortune Magazine. The net profit and revenue in this company in 2011 was 25,922 million dollar and 108,249 million dollar respectively. The profit has increased by 85% compared with overall …show more content…

A research from Time magazine noted that same price at﹩199 from brand like Samsung Galaxy SⅡand HTC Amaze 4G, people prefer to iphone. Because consumers of smartphone do not want to choose expensive data as a plan. Lowing price could improve competitive advantages.

Strategy Analysis Using Porter’s Five Force Model
The business of Apple Company concentrates on 2 areas: computing, which are hardware and software, and entertainment delivery and media. It is wise to understand how competitive the market you entered. We use Porter’s five force model to analyze how completive the Apple industries is, and how has the new strategy changed current situation.

Figure: summary of industry threats (computer equipment &entertainment delivery)
|Type of threat |Organization |Example |
|Threat of entrants- high |Google |They make everything |
| |Amazon |Online service (similar to itune) |
| |Next Google |New entrance with high technology |
|Industry Rivalry-high threat |Microsoft |Widows Operating

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