
Business Case Study : Emirates Airlines

Better Essays

Case 1: Emirates Airlines
Yaovi “Bri” Akakpo-04/15/2015
MGMT 4690, Professor Stewart
University of Denver, Daniels College of Business

Part I: Emirates Airlines, Present Situation
Where Emirates Competes:
Starting from humble beginnings to the international powerhouse it is today, Emirates Airlines is one of the most recognizable in the world. This is a direct result of the growth of its operations from a regional airline service focused to encompassing an international component. The company’s global headquarters is located in Dubai. In regards to industry standards, Emirates is young being in operation for just 28 years. Since then, it has grown to service 138 destinations globally, servicing 39.4 million customers, with an employment size of 48,000 (Figure 1, Appendix) and annual sales of $19.9 billion. One of its most dominant regions on the globe at the moment is the Middle East where it is the largest airline flying internationally 2,500 times in a given week.
Geographically, Emirates is very well positioned in Dubai, which it also uses as a strategic point due to the access that the region creates in reaching other countries including Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Oceanic and part of Africa. Being knowledgeable of global trends, it also began to compete in rising BRICS countries. (Pg. 3) It has managed to effectively penetrate into major European markets such as France, Germany, the United States, and the United Kingdom where it directly

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