Sandra, you continue to gain proficiency in most routine clerical procedures, tasks, and assignments within our unit responsibility. The majority of clerical tasks you are assigned are completed in a diligent manner, and errors brought to your attention are promptly corrected. During this evaluation period, you have continued to gain knowledge and proficiency in all clerical tasks through consistent application of the instructive feedback you have received. For the most part, you competently perform the following clerical procedures; daily C-IV valuable inventory reports, purchase order requests and requisitions, monitor and issue C-IV valuables according to fiscal guidelines, and take delivery of fiscal supportive service payments. In
Operations is separate from the accounting department. The employees in operations handle promoting the products. Also, Operations is in charge of making the products. The company’s accounting system is handled in-house by the cashier and the bookkeeper and by the accounting firm hired to handle the businesses’ financial reporting. The cashier handles all sales through the register. The register is balanced against the drawer each night by the bookkeeper and a deposit made the same day. The bookkeeper gives the accountant the drawer receipts and bank receipts for journal entries and later reports. The accountant checks all cash received and payments made against bank statements and collected paperwork. There is not a single person assigned to do all duties.
I am responsible for ensuring that my mandatory training is up to date, and that I follow all codes, legislation, and recommendations when performing my duties. I will ensure that my job description is current, and am aware of my responsibilities within my role. It is important that I attend refresher courses to update my practical skills, and attend new training courses to improve my working knowledge and skills.
Sandra Peterson was promoted to Accounting Technician on December 12, 2015. Ms. Peterson has assisted in the training of new hires and existing staff in Accounting on priority processes to review case financials. She also assisted another Accounting Technician in providing Child Support Enforcement System (CSE) Financial screens for new Child Support Officers. Ms. Peterson understands the learning styles of the person she is training, thus ensures that the person understands the information necessary to complete the task that is being taught. She also assists with the Quality Assurance reviews for the staff in training.
When it comes to pet products and services, nothing else comes close to the brand most know and trust: Petco. More than just retail, the company also dabbles with dog training, grooming, and adopting animals, to name a few. With the multi-verse that Petco operates on, the company is more than happy to take energetic applicants for the open Petco distribution center jobs. Here are some vacancies for you to choose from: Distribution Center Supervisor If you have been working in the warehouse industry for so long, then it’s time for you to move up the ladder with the help of Petco distribution center jobs.
This team works as Processing Support Clerk in Receipt and Dispatch department and handle responsibilities: receives, sort and file pouch/sleeves into CIBC and NBC branch bags and dispatch branch bags to designated branch locations. They process approximate 510 branch bags per day and handle around 1300 sleeves/ pouches. In addition, the team has a core responsibility to prepare branch bags within timelines and bags should be prepared to driver on time.
Develops and maintains up-to-date correspondence, filing, logging, and bring forward systems in the unit, and provides follows up to ensure responses are prepared in timely manner and are consistent with company standards.
utilize when undertaking tasks I assign to you. You have demonstrated, on many occasions, that you prefer to review and analyze ideas, detecting potential flaws and ensuring solutions are solid before progressing them to the next level. For example, this was exhibited during the initial stages of the UNCLASSIFIED Network Upgrade Project, where you systematically stepped-through the entire configuration of the current system in order to understand and identify key areas for improvement. It was your thorough understanding and detailed redesign ideas that lead to the seamless migration to the new system.
Cristina, you have shown knowledge of the Department’s policies and procedures as well as Regional Protocols. Cristina, you have also shown you have knowledge of HCBS and can utilize that knowledge appropriately on the Agent Line. Cristina, you continue to show strength in the area of working independently and with minimal coaching regarding the Agent Line and office maintenance. You continue to show you have the skills required to react to stressful situations calmly and appropriately. Cristina, you continue to educate yourself on our technology, systems, and resources, and ask questions as they arise. You have shown the ability to willingly accept assignments of varying nature and complete them accurately and timely. Cristina you are considered a reliable member of the team, as well as considered by your team mates to be cordial, positive and respectful. Cristina, you are encouraged to continue to gather community resource information for callers, continue to make contact with various departments/units/vendors, and continue to educate yourself on the office technology and equipment. Overall, Cristina you have met most if not all of the required job components
Oversaw sales, inventory, bills, gas report, payroll and matched it with closing sales for bookkeeping through excel
and make an improvement plan for next month. We do our work strictly follow the plan, in order to achieve the goal effectively. Examination and supervision is an essential part of work for us. We check the data
You always notify me of any significant concerns and seek direction regarding those concerns when needed. During this year, it was imperative that all conversion reassessments were completed. You were instrumental in working through this process. You tracked the pending conversion assessments and worked well with me to develop and put into place a plan to complete these assessments. This included you assisting staff with data entry and completing data entry on provider conversions. You were a tremendous help in the Region reaching its goal for completion of these assessments. You continue to have a positive attitude toward what seem to be ever-changing priorities. This positive attitude is reflected in the attitudes of your staff whose priorities change from month to month.
In many instances, the supervisor has to complete daily, weekly or monthly reports to keep track of the number of clients that have been invoiced and the number of bills that have been paid. The supervisor may assist clerks with locating clients that cannot be easily reached. Additionally, the billing supervisor normally has some knowledge of local collections practices and laws and can therefore advise clerks on the best legal manner in which to collect a past due
Carol, you regularly support clients and coworkers with prompt, competent, and professional assistance while conveying a friendly and receptive demeanor. You are quick to answer incoming phone calls, respond to email requests, and promptly acknowledge individuals entering our unit; this responsiveness results in strong, effective, and productive work relationships. In situations with the potential to create conflict or division you remain professional and respectful at all times.
Office clerk is to compile all readings and fax or email daily to the equipment department for data entry and tracking.
I burn compact discs for claimants and attorneys utilizing NERO software; prepare daily hearing book for ALJ; process postponement requests; process pre/post-hearing information to include ordering Consultative Exams (CEs) from the Disability Determination Services (DDS) via Electronic Assistance Request (EAR), obtain additional medical evidence through attorneys or DDS, enter and release decisions, verify and turn in invoices from Medical Experts (MEs), Hearing Reporters (HRs), and Vocational Experts (VEs). Process fee agreements and fee petitions filed after cases are closed. Monitor my work load listings and my assigned ALJ on a daily basis. I review and analyze a wide variety of medical and legal documents, records and evidence to ensure