
Cancer Celll Imaging and Photothermal Therapy in the Neaf-Infrared Region by Using Gold Nanorods

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Researches showed that cancer is the most feared disease in the world and the most fearful word to say. Honestly, how could it not be? Dying a painful death, suffering with chemotherapy or having any part of your body taken off. It is not the way we want to go!
This fear led so many scientists to figure out methods and ways to examine the cancer cells and cure it. In this report focuses on the most recent developments in the chemical synthesis of metal Nanorods, more specifically the gold Nanorods and silver nanorods, their properties and by extension some of their applications. It also studies into details a few nanotechniques and how they are applicable to various situations. One application is Cancer Cell Imaging and Photothermal …show more content…

Since the antibodies with the PSS-capped nanorods in the same solution, for sure bound with it using electrostatic physisorption interaction mechanism. After that, Nonmalignant and tow malignant cell were cultured then rinsed followed with immersing into the anti-EGFR-conjugated nanorods solution. The light scattering images were stored by using a microscope with highly numerical dark-field condenser, which gives a narrow beam of white light from tungsten lamp W. “The scattered light can be neglected due to the enhanced absorption and scattering from gold nanoparticles.” Then, the sample was exposed to the red light (800 nm) where the tissue has a low absorption at this wavelength at different power densities. Malignant cells piled up the dye, while the living cell remained clear.
The gold nanoparticles have one absorption band at 520, whereas the Plasmon have two; strong-long wavelength and weak-short wavelength. This means that the band shifted from the visible to NIR region which causes increasing in rod’s aspect ratios.

Nowadays, much attention has been devoted to the use of Ag in treatment of cancer. As well as gold, silver is known as a good electrode material with high electrical conductivity and has the ability to self-assemble. Furthermore, for Ag nanoparticles on a conducting surface, we can expect some biocompatibility different from Au nanoparticles and the excitation of surface enhanced Raman scattering.

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