Researches showed that cancer is the most feared disease in the world and the most fearful word to say. Honestly, how could it not be? Dying a painful death, suffering with chemotherapy or having any part of your body taken off. It is not the way we want to go!
This fear led so many scientists to figure out methods and ways to examine the cancer cells and cure it. In this report focuses on the most recent developments in the chemical synthesis of metal Nanorods, more specifically the gold Nanorods and silver nanorods, their properties and by extension some of their applications. It also studies into details a few nanotechniques and how they are applicable to various situations. One application is Cancer Cell Imaging and Photothermal
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Since the antibodies with the PSS-capped nanorods in the same solution, for sure bound with it using electrostatic physisorption interaction mechanism. After that, Nonmalignant and tow malignant cell were cultured then rinsed followed with immersing into the anti-EGFR-conjugated nanorods solution. The light scattering images were stored by using a microscope with highly numerical dark-field condenser, which gives a narrow beam of white light from tungsten lamp W. “The scattered light can be neglected due to the enhanced absorption and scattering from gold nanoparticles.” Then, the sample was exposed to the red light (800 nm) where the tissue has a low absorption at this wavelength at different power densities. Malignant cells piled up the dye, while the living cell remained clear.
The gold nanoparticles have one absorption band at 520, whereas the Plasmon have two; strong-long wavelength and weak-short wavelength. This means that the band shifted from the visible to NIR region which causes increasing in rod’s aspect ratios.
Nowadays, much attention has been devoted to the use of Ag in treatment of cancer. As well as gold, silver is known as a good electrode material with high electrical conductivity and has the ability to self-assemble. Furthermore, for Ag nanoparticles on a conducting surface, we can expect some biocompatibility different from Au nanoparticles and the excitation of surface enhanced Raman scattering.
In this synthesis, the glycerol acts as the solvent for the synthesis reaction as well as the reducing agent and as stabilizers of the AuNP. Therefore, this work describes the self-assemblage of AuNP photochemically synthetized in glycerol on vesicles structures. After the optimization of some analytical features of the AuNP synthesis (irradiation time, HAuCl4 concentration), these AuNP were immobilized onto vesicles structures composed by the phospholipid DOPC (1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine). This nanosystem was characterized by using UV-VIS spectrometry, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). The results show that the vesicles were decorated with gold nanoparticle of (8 nm) with the advantage that the method is fast and reliable since no nanoparticle extraction is needed and can be used in immunoafinnity column and biosensor field.
These results are similar to the one reported earlier for biosynthesis of AuNPs with sodium alginate, in which the concentration of the olibanum gum increased from 0.1 to 0.5% . The decrease in anisotropy and polydispersity with increase in the concentration of olibanum gum was also evident from the TEM images. It is worth noting that the shape of the particles changed from anisotropic nanostructures to spheres, when the concentration of olibanum gum is increased to 1%. This observation shows that the particle size of the AuNPs can be controlled by varying the concentration of HAuCl 4 , olibanum gum and reaction time. At higher concentration of olibanum gum up to 0.5%, the interaction between ionic gold and function groups on olibanum gum as well as the rate of nanoparticle capping were excellent but at high olibanum gum concentration above 0.5%, the broad particle size distribution might be resulted by the increased intermolecular force of olibanum gum molecules which may hinder the dispersion of AuNPs.
Silver has been used since Roman times as a disinfectant because of its well-known antimicrobial properties. AgNPs are considered attractive building blocks for nanomaterial architectures based upon the nanoparticles size and shape (Shipway etal 2000).
It has an attractive shiny appearance, although it discolours easily. Silver (Ag), chemical element, a white shiny metal valued for its attractive beauty and electrical conductivity. Silver is period 5 of the periodic table, between copper and gold, and its physical and chemical properties are halfway between those two metals. It is used for jewellery, mirrors, coins and silver tableware, where appearance is important. Mirrors are almost always if not always made with silver, as researchers have proved that it is the best reflector of visible light. As a result of the continually growing demand for the precious white metal is a big indicator for the future price to increase dramatically. One of many developing fields is silver nanoparticles of technology, that is producing demand for silver that is still not yet fully priced into our current market. Silver is the most important valuable metal after gold and in fact silver has no equal. Which brings us to our next topic, when it comes to conducting electricity and/or heat, silver is the only way to go. As we previously stated before, it is the best and most efficient reflector of light. Silver is widely considered as the primary choice for growing range of technologies, due to its characteristics such as its antimicrobial properties (antimicrobial is an agent that kills microorganisms or stops their growth) (, 2018). The first mass-market use of silver was photography aside from money and jewellery. Technology utilities the conductivity of silver and has made a huge demand in the manufacture of solar energy panels. One of the newest science fields are also creating potentially significant demand for silver along with the technology utilities. A nanoparticle is a submicroscopic size unit, measuring between 1-100 nanometres. Silver nanoparticles have numerous uses in medicine and technology. Silver is one of the most
The incident electric field induces collective oscillations of surface electrons in resonance with the electric field (13-15). The SPR characteristic frequency depends strongly on the GNP physical and electromagnetic properties and the surrounding medium dielectric properties. Gold is known to be inert and biocompatible and toxicity studies have been performed showing GNPs are non-toxic for up to 400 days
One of the more recent developments is the use of nanoparticles for better cancer drug delivery. One of the most promising leads is using nanoparticles as a cluster bomb to target tumors. This three-stage attack process starts with a larger nanoparticle that is introduced through leaky blood vessels into the tumor. Once inside, the more acidic environment around the tumor activates the release of smaller nanoparticles that enter cancer cells. Once inside the cell, a cisplatin chemical attacks by altering the tumor cell's DNA.
We hypothesize that the RBC membrane derived vesicles will be a universal stealth agent for the nanoparticle surface. The nanoparticle will target the TFR (Transferrin receptor) and Ribonucleotide reductase M2 (RRM2) that is upregulated in the malignant cells. It will systemically administer siRNA to a human to produce a specific gene inhibition (reduction in mRNA and protein) by RNAi mechanism of action which will lead to reduction in RRM2 protein expression. The nanoparticle will be labelled with 64Cu which can be used for diagnosis using micro-PET imaging or CT imaging making the total approach theranostic.
Gold nanoparticles provide the capability of stable molecular immobilization without affecting bioactivities. As a result, the use of gold electrodes has been used in the successful detection of the rfbe gene E.coli 0157:H7 [4].
Silver is bright and shining metal known to mankind from ancient times. From ancient time’s human civilization are using silver for jewelleries, utensils, weapons, coin, medicine, water containing tanks. From early days silver is assisting the immune system when it was plentiful available in dissolved metallic form in water[1]. In periodic table it is placed at 47th position near to heavy is a transition metal. It has atomic weight 107.8. Silver has good metallic property like malleability, ductility, thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity [2]. Silver exhibit the excellent anti-microbial property. After the development of nanotechnology we are using silver extensively in various area. Now a day we use silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) instead of metallic silver for many of daily uses. It is seen that AgNPs is highest degree of commercialisation among all the Nanoparticles in medical and health sector. There are numerous uses where AgNPs are used like in cloths, medicines, disinfectants, tiles, surgical equipment, and silver coated bone prosthesis. Nao silver is also used in room spray, paints and laundry detergents. Many manufacture using nano silver in washing machines and refrigerators. Silver coated or vessels are used to preserve water and wine mainly during long voyages.
Based on the cell adhesion results demonstrating increased cell-surface interactions, it was expected that the nanotextured PDMS surfaces would exhibit enhanced selective cancer cell capture compared with plain PDMS. To test this
Abstract: In this study, we report a convenient, simple, economically viable and eco-friendly method for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with carboxymethyl gum kodagogu (CMGK). Carboxymethyl gum kondagogu is a nontoxic and renewable. It is used as reducing, stabilizing and capping agent for the synthesis of AuNPs without using any chemical reducing agent. The effect of various parameters such as concentration of HAuCl4 and CMKG and reaction time for the synthesis of AuNPs was studying. The green synthesized AuNPs were characterized by UV−vis spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction techniques. The resultant CMGK capped AuNPs are extremely stable and had significant antibacterial action on both Bacillus subtilis (B.subtilis) and Escherichia coli (E. coli). The catalytic activity of the CMGK capped AuNPs was studied the reduction of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) to 4 Amino phenol (4-AP) in the presence of NaBH4. With respect to the 4-NP the kinetics of the reaction were found to be a pseudo-first-order.
Cancer is a disease that involves abnormal growth of cells with a danger of spreading over other parts of the body. Modern biological researches being made to treat different forms of cancer have all been using one common material: nanoparticles. These particles have properties useful for the treatment of cancer like their stability in solvents, the adjustable surface chemistry for delivery, and the ideal size to deliver bio organic ligands to cells1. Even combining together nanoparticles with different functionality increases their potential use in cancer treatment. The common use of the particles in treatment is to direct them to target cells with antibodies attached to their surfaces. There is a monetary limitation to this method needing large and expensive machines. Some methods require the particles to be heated with a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine or an electromagnetic field which causes death of cells around the target cells.
Preparation, characterization, and physical properties of a nanostructured materials of silver (nanoparticles and nanocomposites) have been the subject of various researcher in many scientific laboratories during the past years for many studies and it has been also established that size, stability, color, shape, and properties depend on the method of preparation (radiation, photochemical, electrochemical, and chemical) as well as experimental factors such as [reactants], [stabilizer and/or capping agents], temperature, order of mixing of reactants, presence of stabilizers and capping agents and even on the addition rate of reducing agents [1–12].
The physicochemically bonded NA will be characterize by using optical and scanning transmission electron spectroscopy (STEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. This will improve understanding of photoinduced doping of TMDs by metal nanoantennae, which could benefit emerging catalytic applications. The bonding of the metal nanoantennae and the TMD together is a key determinant for transporting and accessing electrons, which can be characterized via EELS.
In the present work, PVA-Ag nanocomposite films with thickness 0.18 mm, constant silver content (0.4 wt. %) and different time of reactions (0.1, 3, 5, 7, 9 h) were prepared by chemical reduction methods. Structure, surface topology, photoluminescence and electrical properties of PVA-Ag nanocomposite were studied using x-ray diffraction (XRD), electrometer, atomic force microscope (AFM) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy were used to characterize the prepared nanocomposites. X-ray patterns showed the existence of Ag-nanoparticles within the PVA polymeric matrix with face centered cube (FCC) phase. It was found that the root mean square (RMS) roughness decrease with increasing the time of reaction. While PL intensity at 427 nm increase as the time of reaction is increased. Frank-poole emission is the prevailing transport mechanism for all samples.